How to get from Oslo airport to the city center?

Responsible information department of "Tourism Subtlety"
Oslo Main Airport, Gardemoen, is located 45 kilometers north of the city. From the airport to the center of the capital you can get there by express train or express bus, by train, taxi or rented car

Flytoget express trains deliver tourists from the airport to the central railway station of Oslo in less than 20 minutes. Departure every 10 minutes. The fare is 170 kroons when you buy in a vending machine or credit card, or 200 at the checkout (85/100 kroons children and students under 31 with a student card). Every second train goes further to Drammen, stopping at the Nationaltheateret station, which is closer to the western districts of the city.

Flybussen buses are about 45 minutes to the city center, the fare is 140 NOK, round trip ticket, valid month, costs 240 EEK.

The cost of taxi travel starts from 700 CZK, depending on the area of ​​the city. Taxi can be ordered at the arrival terminal

June 10, 2011

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