Nature is the main wealth of the Polish resort Krynica Morsk. There are good sandy beaches, high dunes, ecologically clean forests, rich flora and fauna, excellent opportunities for yachtsmen and windsurfing, excellent fishing. In addition, sources of unique thermal, mineral and medicinal waters are found on the territory of the resort. The resort is famous for its gastronomy and entertainment industry, well developed and "sector" of active recreation.

Krynica Morska received the status of the city only in 1991 and is still considered the smallest urban-type settlement in Poland - just over 1500 people. And although the resort is very popular, lovers of secluded rest will be happy - there are not too many people here.

Do not confuse Krynica Morska and just Krynica. Krynica Morska is located in the north of the country, on the shores of the Baltic Sea. Simply Krynica is located in the very south, near the border with Slovakia. In the eastern part of Poland there is also a village called Krynica.
Krynica Morska
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How to get here

For those who prefer air travel to all other modes of transportation - the airport receiving Gdansk airport from Russia, it is located 89 km from Krynica Morskaya. From Gdansk to the resort can be reached by bus or a rented car: the distance between the cities is 78 km. In addition to Gdansk, Krynica Morsk is connected by regular bus service with Elblong (61 km), Olsztyn (178 km), Warsaw (360 km). In summer, ships and ferries from Elblag, Frombork and Kaliningrad go to Krynica.

If you plan not just to relax, but also to explore the sights, you should think about renting a car: Krynica Morska itself is a small town, but a significant part of the sights are not within walking distance.

Search for air tickets to Gdansk (the nearest airport to Krynica Morska)

Climate and nature

Average monthly temperature, ° C
Jan Feb Mar Apr MayJun Jul Aug sen Oct but IDec
in the afternoon +1@@+2 +5 +10 +15 +19 +21 +21 +16 +12 +6 +2
at night-3 -3 +0 +2 +7 +11 +13 +13 +9 +5 +1@@-1
water+4 +5 +6 +8 +13 +15 +17 +17 +14 +14 +8 +6

Krynica Morska, like many resorts in northern Poland, has a good beach infrastructure .As in many resorts in Poland, this does not guarantee a good beach holiday .The climate from the temperature point of view in Krynica Morskoy is quite "Middle Baltic" - a mild warm winter, a cool summer .But the ecological situation at the resort will leave behind many beach resorts with the "blue flag": clean air and reserved pine-beech forests create wonderful conditions for both people's recreation and for the habitat of rare animals and birds that you will not meet in any other corner of Poland .

In the summer on the beach and even in the city itself you can see flocks of wild boars. Animals have lived side by side with people for a long time and behave quite peacefully, but it's still not recommended to approach them - it's better to shoot from afar.
Rest in Krynica Morskoy (Polish)

Sanatoriums and hotels

With such a successful geographical location and ecological situation, Krynica Morskoy himself ordered to become a popular sanatorium resort .And really - every year in high season a small town is filled with people who want to rest and get medical treatment .One of the most interesting accommodation options is the 4-star Hotel Kahlberg (the old German name Krynitsa Morskaya), it was built recently and is located in the forest, 500 m from the beach .Other hotels of the same level: Hotel Continental, Guest houses Lotos, Polonia, Krynicki Dwor and others .For a budgetary as well as for family, children's and group holidays, a large tourist center Neptun is recommended: 12 hectares of well-groomed territory in a pine forest near the sea - a great place for leisurely walks and for outdoor activities .The Neptun center is located on the eastern outskirts of the resort .

Book popular Krynica Morskie hotels at the best prices

Hotel Continental from 3,323 rubles Krynica Morska ul. Przyjaźni 30 Villa York from 3,656 rubles Krynica Morska Przyjaźni 30 Hotel Krynica from 3 157 rubles Krynica Morska ul. Orzechowa 4
Pensjonat Riwiera from 2 825 rub. Krynica Morska Rybacka 38 Pensjonat Lotos from 2 160 rubles Krynica Morska Aptekarzy 8 Hotel Kahlberg from 3,323 rubles Krynica Morska ul. Bosmańska 1

Entertainment, excursions and attractions of Krynica Morska

On the territory of Krynica itself there are not that many sea attractions: first of all, old-style boarding houses and villas of the late 19th and early 20th centuries .and a lighthouse on a hill in the center of the resort, which is, in fact, the visiting card of the city, its "facial" attraction .The lighthouse was built in 1895 and destroyed in 1945, during the expulsion of Germany from these territories .On the cemetery adjacent to the lighthouse, a monument to Soviet soldiers guarding the lighthouse and died during its explosion .The lighthouse was rebuilt in 1951 and is currently open to visitors .

Boars in Krynica Morskoy (amateur video)

If you go up to the dune of the Camel's Hump and visit the observation point, you can see a beautiful panorama of the entire spit, the Baltic Sea, the Vistula Lagoon and the Elbląg Upland .As in the palm of your hand, all the nearby attractions will open here: the beech reserve founded in 1962, and the village of Kony-Rybacke, where the ornithological reserve of gray heron and black cormorants is located, is one of the largest in Europe .Visible from here is the ancient Frombork, to which the straight line is only 7 km, and the village of Stegna, where the built in 1681-83 gg .a church with a unique interior and a functioning organ .

The village of Mikoszewo, which is closer to the continental part of Poland, is known for its "Chalks of the Gulls" reserve, in which various kinds of gulls, including rare ones, nest. Near Konta Rybatskoye, beyond the village of Shtutovo, there is a place that recalls the crimes of fascist invaders during the Second World War - the state museum of the Stutthof concentration camp. This was the first in the territory of Poland, already established on September 2, 1939, a concentration camp. More than 65,000 people from 28 European countries were killed here.