The resort with the amusing name Swinoujscie is located in the northwest of the Polish coast at the border with Germany. It has many modern hotels, boarding houses and holiday homes. His pride is a large health resort park, built in the first half of the 19th century, and an excellent wide sandy beach. Local hospitals and sanatoriums specialize in the treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular system, respiratory organs, metabolic disorders, as well as gynecological and skin diseases.

Any tourist services in Poland
Weekly excursion tours, weekends and shopping.
Christmas and New Year tours. Rest in Zakopane.
Winter camps for schoolchildren. Tours for school groups.
Treatment in sanatoria. Excursions in the cities. Hotels online.
(495) 545-47-67 • 48 (12) 881-19-68 •
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How to get here

The nearest airport to the resort is Szczecin-Goleniow - 75 km away. There are trains running from Szczecin to Свиwinoujцеcie, there is also a bus service - a transfer from the airport can be booked in advance via the Internet or bought on the spot.

However, air travel is not the most economical option. At Свиwinoujцеcie there is not only a direct railway connection with all major cities of Poland - even a direct train from Moscow stops there. Also from Moscow and a number of other major cities in Свиwinoujцеcie there are buses.

  • How to get from Berlin to Swinoujscie

Search for tickets to Szczecin (nearest airport to Swinoujscie)

Sanatoriums and hospitals

In Свиwinoujцеcie they go to be treated more often than to swim or to see the sights. In the seaside area of ​​the city there is an extensive sanatorium zone with clean air and a huge number of sanatoriums and boarding houses to choose from. The most famous of them are Posejdon, Julia, Swiatowid and the rehabilitation center Sobotka. For those who are looking for an economical option, Elpak, Polaris, Belweder and others will be suitable.

Of the natural resources of the resorts Swinoujscie have bromine, iodine, boric mineral springs, as well as therapeutic mud.

Almost all the sanatoriums and boarding houses are within walking distance from the beach, the park and the seaside boulevard, where cafes, restaurants, art galleries and mini-hotels are located in renovated historic buildings.

Climate Swinoujscie

Average monthly temperature, ° C
Jan Feb Mar Apr MayJun Jul Aug sen Oct but IDec
in the afternoon +1@@+2 +5 +10 +15 +19 +21 +21 +16 +12 +6 +2
at night-3 -3 +0 +2 +7 +11 +13 +13 +9 +5 +1@@-1
water+4 +5 +6 +8 +13 +15 +17 +17 +14 +14 +8 +6

The climate of this small Baltic city can be called typical for the region: the winter is relatively warm - the air temperature seldom drops below +10 ° C, summer by the standards of the European part of Russia is also warm, but not resort - the air does not warm up at least + 27 ° C, and water up to +20 ° C. Swinoujscie is located in the very north of the country, and for beach rest is not very good. However, in the summer months, swimming here is no worse than in our rivers and lakes.


Although Swinoujscie and not a beach resort, the city beach is its real pride - it stretches for 10 km in length and reaches a width of 100 meters - an absolute record for Poland.

Entertainment, excursions and sightseeing Swinoujscie

For those who have traveled to Свиwinouj проcie, as well as for those wishing to take a walk after the treatment procedures around the city and admire the sights, a small Polish town can provide a lot of interesting .It starts with what is striking: a lighthouse built at the mouth of the River Pigs in 1858 has a height of 68 meters and is visible from anywhere in the city .This structure is the highest on the entire Baltic coast .Around the same time as the lighthouse, in Swinoujscie was built .n .Fort Angela, which is a copy of the castle of Saint Angelo in Rome .Of religious monuments, the Church of Christ the King is interesting - it was built in the center of the city on the site of the destroyed Gothic cathedral .A small model of the ship is kept in the main nave of the temple, recalling that Swinoujscie is a maritime city and the sea is literally his life .

Neo-Gothic Church of the Virgin Mary The Stars of the Sea (similar churches are often found in coastal Catholic cities) was built in the 19th century and is stained with its stained-glass windows. The Gothic church of the 15th century has survived and hardly suffered during the wars.

Do not forget that Swinoujscie is historically a fishing port. This particular aspect of the history of the city is dedicated to the exposition of the Marine Fishing Museum. It exhibits both samples of flora and fauna of the Baltic coast, as well as tackles, navigational instruments and maps of different years.

Swinoujscie. Photo review

Forts Swinoujscie

Many buildings keep the memory of the glorious military past of Swinoujscie .Previously, the city was surrounded by a chain of forts that reliably guarded it from the sea, but now only three of them survived .Eastern Fort, or Fort Gerhard, is one of these preserved forts of the 19th century .In Fort Gerhard there is a permanent exposition telling about the history of urban fortification and showing the finds made in forts .In Western Fort, concerts and temporary exhibitions .This fort still keeps a memory of the socialist past of Poland - from 1945 to 1962 the Red Army headquarters was located here .About the terrible years of the Second World recalls the exposition "The city yesterday and today", housed in the building of the bomb shelter, built in 1942 .There are also other exhibitions on the history of the city .