Tavira is a port city in the south of Portugal, on the shores of the Gulf of Cadiz, the center of one of the municipalities of the Faro district. One of the important features of Tavira is the lack of a large number of tourists: the city somehow managed to avoid the tourist boom, although it is considered one of the most picturesque places on the Algarve coast.

Being under the rule of the Mauritanians for five centuries, Tavira still today resembles an Arab city. Most of the houses, like all over Portugal, are painted white, the dates and fish are dried on the terraces. Throughout the city, palm trees and orange trees grow, and in the Gila River, dividing the city into two parts, splashing fish are splashing.

Terrace - a favorite place of leisure with local residents. It is difficult not to find a few relaxed after a day's work, people chatting with a cup of coffee with a custard cake, called "pastas de nata". We advise you to visit the city market - such an abundance of fruits you are unlikely to see anywhere else.


  • 1 How to get here
    • 1.1 Search air tickets to Tavira
  • 2 Climate
  • 3 Hotels in Tavira
  • 4 Natural Beauty
  • 5 Entertainment, excursions and attractions of Tavira
    • 5.1 Eastern Algarve

How to get here

It's easiest to get to Tavira from the airport of Faro, where planes fly from Moscow daily. The air will have to spend about 9 hours, the price of the issue - from 9,000 rubles. From Faro we advise you to go by bus - an hour and a half trip will cost € 3, 95. On the way you will be accompanied by noisy locals, and from the window you will see a beautiful view of olive, apple, almond and fig gardens. Of course, you can take a taxi (the distance is only 30 km!), But it will cost much more.

Search air tickets to Tavira


The climate of Tavira is classical Mediterranean: there is practically no winter, and the summer starts already in April. At the height of the summer season, it is not so hot here as in other Mediterranean countries - the temperature rarely rises above +33 ° C due to a refreshing breeze from the Atlantic. Winter temperatures are on the average +12 ... +17 ° C.

Ria Formosa, located at a small distance from Tavira, is a 17 hectare of reservoirs and islets of land, inhabited by herons, flamingos, turtles and even chameleons.

Hotels in Tavira

To stay is best in a private boarding house, where for about € 20 per day you can rent a room with a bath.

Be prepared for the fact that the owners do not know English, and most likely will have to be explained by gestures.

Natural Beauty

The same island of Tavira is a local pearl. From the quay of Quatro Aguas you will be taken there by boat for only € 0, 5. The island is a strip of sand 8 km long and just 400 m wide. There are several houses here, the rest of the territory is not built due to the city administration ban. What is very pleasing, because the undeveloped territory is snow-white sand and nothing superfluous, only palms and seashells. And how pleasant it is to swim in the purest water on a hot summer day!

Another mandatory point of visit is the Ria Formosa Reserve, located a short distance from Tavira. This is 17 hectares of reservoirs and islands of land, which are inhabited by herons, flamingos, turtles and even chameleons. On sites where water predominates, you can meet crabs and frogs.

Postcards from Tavira

Entertainment, excursions and attractions of Tavira

Its architectural appearance the city gained as a result of the re-construction after the strongest earthquake in 1755. The destruction was truly catastrophic, and Tavira simply rebuilt again. New picturesque buildings appeared in the city, including 37 churches. It can not be said that Tavira is filled with architectural masterpieces, but the impression of it remains exactly this: it is very pleasant to walk, admiring the architecture of the city, its numerous fountains and flower beds.

A very picturesque landscape can be seen from the walls of the Moorish castle, located on the top of a hill in the old Arab quarter. From here you can easily see the clock tower of the Church of Santa Maria do Castelo, which houses the remains of Don Payou Peres Correia and his seven knights. On the facade of the church, Gothic windows and entrance were preserved, and its interior was restored in the 19th century. Nearby is the monastery of Nossa Senhora da Graça, built in 1569.