How to get from Lisbon to Aveiro by public transport?

Responses information department of the "Tourism Subtlety"
If you do not consider the car, then the fastest and cheapest way from Lisbon to Aveiro can be reached by train. Every day on the route Lisboa Santa Apolonia - Aveiro every hour from 6:00 to 22:00 cruise high-speed trains Alfa-pendular. The journey time is 2 hours 10 minutes. The fare: first class - 37, 90 EUR, second - 26, 30 EUR per person. To clarify the schedule and order tickets online, visit the official website of the Portuguese Railways

If you are going to Aveiro directly from the airport, the nearest railway station is at the Oriente metro station (4 stops from the Aeroporto station).

Also from Lisbon to Aveiro you can take the Rede expressos bus, but this way is more expensive and takes longer. On the day, about 6 flights are made, in 2-4 hours. The ticket price is 30-60 EUR per person. The trip will last 3 hours and 15 minutes. Timetable and booking of tickets online - on the official website of the carrier

February 17, 2015

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