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Diamond fund

Moscow, Kremlin, Armory Museum

 Russian Museums Diamond Foundation Russia is a collection of unique works of jewelry art, rare precious stones and nuggets. Among the most significant exhibits of the Diamond Fund are the Imperial Crowns, the Imperial Scepter with the diamond "Orlov."


Moscow Region, Arkhangelskoe

 Museums of Russia Arkhangelskoe - one of the main pearls of the Moscow suburbs. At least once a summer, almost all Muscovites and guests of the capital make pilgrimage here. The central part of the palace and park ensemble is occupied by the Grand Palace and its surrounding park, which was modeled after Peterhof.


Ladoga Lake, Republic of Karelia

 Museums of Russia Valaam Archipelago, consisting from 50 small islands, is located in the northern part of Ladoga Lake. A unique landscape-architectural complex has been created here, the park area is 24.7 thousand hectares, of which only 3600 hectares fall to the islands.

Vologda State Museum-Reserve

Vologda, ul. S. Orlov, 15

 Museums of Russia At present, the museum-reserve includes a whole complex of monuments of the Vologda Kremlin, among which the Resurrection Cathedral is especially worth mentioning, where the collection of the Vologda regional art gallery is located - the only one in the whole region

Vyborg Castle

Vyborg, Ostrovsky Island

 Museums of Russia This castle was invented by Swedish crusaders during the campaign to Novgorod. Six hundred years ago, not only the military, but also merchants, artisans and clergymen lived on the castle island.

Historical Museum in Moscow

Moscow, Krasnaya Plos., 1

 Russian Museums @ In the heart of the capital, on Red Square, towers a building similar to the Old Russian building of the Historical Museum - the largest national museum in Russia. The collection has a huge number of exhibits (almost 4, 5 million), telling about Russian history from ancient times to our days.

Kazan Kremlin

Kazan, ul. 2

 Museums of Russia Kazan Kremlin is the main attraction of the capital of Tatarstan, which without exaggeration can be called the "heart" of the city. This is a huge complex in which the Russian and Tatar cultural traditions are harmoniously and distinctively combined @


The Republic of Karelia, Kizhi

 The Russian Museums Kizhi is a group of small islands in the skerries of the southern part of Zaonezhsky the peninsula. One of them is the Kizhi Pogost, which is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List and became the basis of the famous architectural museum-reserve "Kizhi."

Koporskaya fortress

Leningradskaya oblast

 Museums of Russia Koporskaya a fortress located in the northwest of Russia, fifteen kilometers from the Finnish Gulf, is a real treasure for lovers of Russian antiquity and history. Judge for yourself: the fortress, founded by German knights, repeatedly passed from Russians to Swedes, then back.

Cabinet of Curiosities or Cabinet of Rarities

St. Petersburg, nab. Universitetskaya, 3

 Museums of Russia Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography (otherwise Kunstkamera) is one of the largest museums of its kind. Its collection is an exposition on the culture and life of the peoples of the world, but most of all it is famous for its collection of "freaks" - anatomical rarities and anomalies.

Malakhov Kurgan

Sevastopol, ul. Istomina (Malakhov Kurgan)

 Museums of Russia Malakhov Kurgan is a strategically important height to the southeast. This place was glorified twice: the heroic defense of the Russian troops during the Crimean War against the Anglo-French troops and Soviet troops during the Great Patriotic War against the German fascist invaders

Moscow Kremlin


 Museums of Russia The Moscow Kremlin - the main attraction of the city - is located in the heart of the capital of Russia. Its powerful walls and towers, golden-domed temples, ancient towers and palaces rise on the Borovitsky hill above the Moscow River and form a unique in beauty and grandeur architectural and artistic ensemble.

Museum-diorama "The Battle of Kursk. Belgorod direction "

Belgorod, ul. Popova, d. 2

 Museums of Russia The most visited museum of Belgorod, no doubt, is considered a museum-diorama "Kursk battle. Belgorod direction ". The "Hall of Military Glory", included in the complex, was opened in 1985, on the day of the celebration of the 40th anniversary of the Great Victory.

The Museum of Lost Music

Voronezh, ul. January 9, 108

 Museums of Russia One of the unique sights of Voronezh is a museum of forgotten music that stores musical instruments of different peoples of the world, some of which are considered disappeared and are not used.

Museum-Reserve of the Savior-Transfiguration Monastery

Yaroslavl, pl. Bogoyavlenskaya, 25

 Museums of Russia The main pearl of Yaroslavl is a historical and architectural museum-reserve in the territory of the Transfiguration Monastery. Built in the 12th century, it is one of the sixteen largest monasteries. In the 16th century, the state treasury was transferred here, and in 1612 it became the headquarters of Minin and Pozharsky.

St Petersburg History Museum

St. Petersburg, Peter and Paul Fortress, 10

 Museums of Russia In the State Museum of History of St. Petersburg you can get to know the history of the founding of the city, walk around the halls of the Commandant's House - an exposition devoted to the history of the Neva region from ancient times and the history of St. Petersburg from its foundation until 1918.

Museum "Shchurovo hillfort"

Suzdal, st. Korovniki, 2B

 Museums of Russia Want to feel yourself a real resident of Ancient Rus? Plunge into the literal sense of living history can be, visiting the Suzdal Museum "Shurovo hillfort". A unique place where, in addition to the ancient cottages and buildings of the time of Prince Yuri Dolgoruky, there are many interactive classes in which everyone is interested.

National Village

ul. Mira, Orenburg

 Museums of Russia The fact that more than 100 nationalities live on the territory of the Orenburg region obviously influences the formation of the culture of the region and, above all, the appearance of its brightest and most unusual sights.

National Museum in Petrozavodsk

Petrozavodsk, pl. Lenina, d. 1

 Museums of Russia Guess a riddle: "Modern and interesting, cognitive and boring"? It's hard to imagine that the correct answer is a museum! This is how visitors (about 50,000 people a year come here on average) about the National Museum of the Republic of Karelia in Petrozavodsk

National Museum of the Republic of Tatarstan

Kazan, ul. Kremlevskaya, d. 2

 Museums of Russia The National Museum of the Republic of Tatarstan has about 800 thousand exhibits. Among the most valuable are the Egyptian and antique collections, collections of gold coins, ancient scrolls, handwritten books, memorial items of figures of Tatar literature.

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The richest museum collections, which is not surprising, are in two capitals - Moscow and St. Petersburg. In the first place - Tretyakov Gallery, otherwise the State Tretyakov Gallery, which holds the most complete collection of works of Russian fine art. The second is the complex of the Kremlin Palace with 9 museums, including the famous Armory Museum.

Who did not hear about the Kunstkammer - perhaps one of the most famous museums of St. Petersburg founded by Peter the Great himself? And about the Hermitage? St. Isaac's Cathedral? Peter and Paul Fortress? Surely the name of these museums in the northern capital is heard by every Russian.

Just recently, following Europe and our country, the tradition of holding a "night of museums" was picked up. Annually this event takes place on the night of May 19-20.

The average ticket price in such museums is 200-300 rubles, in regions - cheaper, from 20 rubles. Certain benefits are for schoolchildren, students and pensioners. Approximate mode of operation of Russian museums: every day, except Monday, from 09.00 to 20.00.