3 Aviadoboshire will be allowed to fly only for treatment and funeral

A new version of the draft law on air ambash will determine in which cases carriers will not be able to refuse a passenger in flight. Now the passenger, even on the blacklist, can not be prevented from landing if he flies to a funeral or treatment. The relevant draft law was prepared by the State Duma together with the largest airlines, Rosaviatsia, the Prosecutor General's Office and the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Recall that in April 2012 the State Duma approved the introduction of blacklists, which meant permission to prohibit admission on board passengers who had previously arranged riots on board. Such passengers are forbidden to fly the airline, on board which there were riots, for 5 years.

The final version of the bill should finally determine how a blacklisted passenger can prove that he intends to fly for a good reason.

February 20, 2015
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