What is the weather in Sochi in December?

Responsible information department of the "Subtlety of Tourism"
December in Sochi is one of the rainiest and windiest months of the year. At this time, winter comes, similar, probably, to Moscow autumn. The air temperature drops sharply, but still remains at the level much above zero: during the day - + 10-11 ° C, at night - + 3-5 ° C. Although, for example, in 2014 the daytime temperature rose to +16 ° C, and the night temperature dropped to 0 ° C. Overcast days are increasing, but solar ones are still predominant, rains are falling more and more often. The water temperature is +11 ° C.

As for the mountain regions, the weather here is slightly different. Instead of rain, it snows, although it is wet in places, and the air temperature is lower. It is in December that the ski season starts, and fans of this sport who want to go to Sochi are becoming more and more. In the second half of December, the weather finally settles down and becomes most favorable for skiers

February 6, 2015

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