Grand Cascade in Peterhof

Peterhof, Lower Park

 Sights of Peterhof Triumph, triumph, victory - that's the meaning of one of the most beautiful fountain complexes in the world, in a brilliant Baroque art monument, the legendary Grand Cascade of Peterhof. But this cascade is not just a masterpiece in architectural terms, but also the culmination of Peter's palace and park complex

Marley Palace

Peterhof, Lower Park

 Sights of Peterhof Palace of Marly ", Which was born thanks to the visit of Peter I in 1717 to the residence of the French king Louis XIV Marley-le-Roi, is considered the most modest, graceful and at the same time exceptionally graceful building in Peterhof.

Monplaisir Palace

Peterhof, Nizhny Park

 Sights of Peterhof Walk on Monplaisir - enjoy a truly royal. At the foot of it, quietly whisper the waves of the Gulf of Finland, around the emerald foliage of the Peterhof park, and the building itself of the palace of the beginning of the 18th century can give odds to any castle from the far coast of the Loire in its elegance and originality.

The Palace and Park Ensemble "Own Dacha"

Leningradskaya oblast, Peterhof

 Sightseeing in Peterhof A modest, cozy, premium cottage in the representations of blue bloods could only look so - exquisitely, tastefully, surrounded by greenery, with a barely perceptible splash waves of the Gulf of Finland. Own dacha, located just 3 km west of the Lower Park.

Stables Stables Peterhof

Peterhof, ul. 2

 Sights of Peterhof The phenomenon of Russian manor, showing the scope of our Slavic soul - these are giant stables, which in their size, decoration and architecture are more like completely independent palace complexes or estates.

Chapel in Peterhof

Peterhof, Alexandria park

 Sights of Peterhof The main highlight of the Alexandria Park and the bizarre nuance of all Peterhof is the house church of the imperial family, consecrating constant prices in honor of Alexander Nevsky. Believe me, you probably did not see anything like this on the territory of our country.

Peter and Paul Cathedral in Peterhof

Peterhof, St.Petersburg, 32/4, Olginna pond

 Sightseeing places Peterhof One of the most pretentious and pretentious temples not only in Peterhof, but, perhaps, in the whole region is the most beautiful Peter and Paul Cathedral. Located on the shore of the Red Pond, in a clear and quiet weather its stylized facade under the Moscow Baroque is fancifully reflected in the water.

New Peterhof

Peterhof, pl. 7

 Sights of Peterhof The name of Nicholas Benois is inextricably linked with the history of Peterhof and the huge number of palaces, chapels, bridges and embankments that this outstanding architect designed. But there is in the "brainchild" Peter one place, which for many tourists remains unknown. And the place is the station New Petergof

Fountains of Peterhof

Leningradskaya oblast, Peterhof

 Sights of Peterhof In the design of its summer residence, which should not yield to Versailles for its luxury, Peter I gave the most important role to fountains. The emperor in his decrees explained in detail how and where to build a fountain or cascade

Magnificent, pompous, lush, solemn, beautiful - this is only a small part of those thousand epithets that are worthy of becoming part of the description of Peterhof . No wonder Peter I with all the strength of my soul and muscular arms "chopped" the window to Europe - it was so great that Versailles enviously exhaled, marveling at the skill of the Russian peasant and the wealth of the Russian state . Of course, to inspect the entire palace and park ensemble of the imperial family for one the day will not be successful - the number of sights here is just off scale, and if you take into account the museum stock, then all your life will not be enough to get acquainted with them. . So it's better to plan a visit to Petergof for at least three days, or, for want of such time, just relaxedly strolling along the cozy paths of the numerous parks, laid along the palaces in the sweet style of "meringue" .

In general, Peterhof covers just some unthinkable territory, therefore, in order to give your walks at least a minimum of the excursion component, it is worthwhile to distinguish two large ensembles - actually Peterhof and the park "Alexandria". Most tourists tend to the first, and in vain. "Alexandria" sights are not worse, the people are less there, besides, there are truly hidden pearls of architectural art - which only one Gothic chapel is worth.

Be that as it may, briefly summarized, both palace and park ensemble will take you two or three centuries ago: everything here speaks and breathes old times, and only the modern kind of tourists spoils the amazing historical scenery. Even the parks, which are so numerous here, that it seems that the royal families only did what they did-they have the splendid names Alexandrovsky, English, Kolonist or cozy Lugovoy.
Knowingly Peter I with all the strength of his soul and muscular arms "chopped" the window to Europe - it was so great that Versailles enviously exhaled, marveling at the skill of the Russian peasant and the wealth of the Russian state.

So, if you direct your stops to the center of Peterhof, on the way one way or another tourists will meet the palaces - Bolshoi, Ekaterina, Marly, Monplaisir, whose names sound like music for the heart of every art critic. Surrounded by their luxurious landscapes with fountains, cascades, sculptures, openwork gazebos and cast-iron lanterns.

By the way about fountains, for many this particular sight of Peterhof stands on the first place, it's not for nothing that Peter the Great pulled a huge water pipe to his future residence. Here, from the ground and pompous granite pots, countless number of fountains are beating - from the huge people on the Grand Cascade to the joke, which burst out alongside the strolling marquise at the most unexpected moment.

The names of the fountains are corresponding: "Samson tearing the jaws of the lion", "Sun", "Adam" and "Eve", "Sheaf", "Favorite."

Special attention should be paid to religious buildings on the territory of the ensemble. First of all, of course, the amazing Peter and Paul Cathedral, which is on the shore of the Olgin Pond. Be sure to examine the church of St. Seraphim of Sarov, and the chapel in the park "Alexandria". The latter is famous for its Gothic style so rare for our latitudes in combination with traditional orthodox decorations.

The museums of Peterhof are a separate topic. And now we will not talk about the richest collection of the Grand Palace and its masterpieces that belong to masters of the world scale. And without them on the territory of the palace and park ensemble has something to see. For example, the "Imperial Yachts" tell about the origin of the fleet in Russia, and in the fun Museum of bicycles you can see the collection of two-wheeled cars owned by our emperors. In particular: the model "kostotryas" (1867) with wooden wheels.