A small city of the Krasnodar Territory Abinsk got its name from the name of the river Abin in the Azov-Kuban lowland .A small town with a population of just over 35 thousand .person is located in the middle of the route connecting Krasnodar with Novorossiysk and Anapa, and not far from Varnavinsky lake .This beautiful place in the Caucasus can be enjoyed by those who do not like the tourism industry: Abinsk is away from the sea .However, those who wish can travel directly to the sea shore by bus .And unwilling - swim in the lakes, fish, explore the picturesque local forests; if you are lucky - encounter with otherworldly forces or visit the annual aeronautics festival that takes place on the glade of the Century Oaks on the May holidays, with fairs, concerts, tanks and exhibitions .

Many people say that electrical appliances and equipment are in the area of ​​Shapsugskaya junk and come here specially to be saturated with positive energy.

How to get to Abinsk

Abinsk is located only 19 km from Krymsk, and it can be reached either by direct highway or by train in less than an hour (the trains run four times a day). From Novorossiysk to Abinsk, just over 60 km (about 2 hours by train), from Krasnodar - 80 kms (2, 5 hours by railroad "Krasnodar-Novorossiysk").

Search for air tickets to the city of Adler (the nearest airport to Abinsk)

A bit of history

The history of the city begins with the construction of the fortress in 1834, which was built on the site of the village of Shapsugs, Lieutenant-General A. A. Velyaminov. Almost 30 years later, the same-named village was founded on the site of the Cossacks' fortification. Subsequently, Decembrists were sent here. And after a lapse of a century, the village turned into a working village, which in a year became a full-fledged city.

Entertainment, excursions and attractions of Abinsk

The Abinsk district is a great place to spend at least part of the vacation here .There is no sea (although it is not so far away), but there is a beautiful nature with wonderful forests where you can hunt, and a huge lake where tourists bathe and fish with pleasure .The forest (Abinskoye) lake is located only 3 km south of the city and is extremely popular among tourists .And in the upper reaches of Adego, you can admire the Great Adegoysky waterfall, whose height exceeds 10 m .This waterfall is part of the cascade, the total height of which is almost 40 m .You can go to the waterfall with an excursion from the village of Shapsugskaya (the tour lasts more than 2 hours and requires some physical preparation) .

3 things to do in Abinsk:
  1. See the ancient dolmen in the forest.
  2. Energize with positive energy.
  3. To communicate with ostriches.

One third of the area is covered with a deciduous mushroom forest, where real wild animals live: bears, wild boars, foxes and wolves, and roe deer .There are many routes for horse riding, including those leading to prehistoric stone dolmens near Abinsk, .In addition, Abinsky district has 13 ecologically clean rivers, including Abin itself - the most full-flowing tributary of Adagura .The Adeghoy and Shapark rivers and the mountainous territories around them attract more and more travelers every year .In them and nearby lakes you can catch pike, carp, carp or even catfish of quite impressive size .

"Abinsk yesterday and today" - city views

One of the full sights of Abinsk is an ostrich farm, founded by the Maslennikov family. On the farm, usually live 30-40 ostriches, and besides them - crocodiles, snakes, turtles and monkeys. On the farm (today it is already called an exopark), you can buy souvenirs from the skin and ostrich feathers, and besides, if you're lucky, try ostrich meat and eggs.

Of particular interest to travelers is the village of Shapsugskaya because of the ancient burial mounds located there .This centuries-old burial ground has earned the glory of a zone of anomalous phenomena, which causes unflagging interest among psychics and other fans of paranormalism .It is believed that there are springs with living and dead water; here you can see a specific construction - the "Eternity" mandala, made of stone and shaped like a lotus .Many people say that electrical appliances and equipment are in the area of ​​Shapsugskaya junk and come here specially to be imbued with positive energy .

Do not stay with the Fucking Finger: just next to this rock, the energy is categorically negative.

Prehistoric dolmen Shapsugsky is located near the confluence of two rivers: Aldebi and Adegoy - about 4 km from the village of Shapsugskaya .Here you can see about a thousand mounds in the middle of a thin fishing line .Between the burial mounds there are dolmens of the Bronze Age, approximately 3-2 centuries before n .e ., and next you can see several tombstones with Christian symbols .The burial mounds itself allegedly belong to the late Middle Ages (around the 14th century) .A Shapsugsky dolmen as such is a round megalith from a monolithic block of sandstone with a lid and a hole on the side .The dolmen is perfectly preserved except for a few cracks and depressions in the lid - however, many believe that the grooves were made specifically and can represent a starry sky map .Only a hundred meters from the Shapsug dolmen is the Shambhala tract, where one can also see traces of uncompleted attempts to cut down the dolmen monolith .

Another interesting place near Abinsk is healing springs. In the district of Abinsk there are more than 20 keys, from where water is pouring, saturated with bromine and iodine, which is considered very useful. Nearby there is a sufficient number of holiday homes, where you can spend several days and not unprofitable, and with health benefits.