In Aksai the Russian poet AS Pushkin twice called in - was interested in the history of the Cossacks. Why here? Probably, because this area with the richest history, to match the talent of Alexander Sergeevich. In this part of Russia life was boiling even under Ivan the Terrible. And later Aksai became one of the shelters of violent people who believed in the tsar but did not forget about their prosperity

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How to get

Aksai and the same-name district are in the south-west of the Rostov region. This city is closest to the capital of the region - 12 kilometers away. This means that you can easily get to Aksai from Rostov, for example, by minibus or bus. The roads are in good condition, so there will be no problems.

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The best transport is buses and minibuses for 42 thousand people. To drive by Aksay on a taxi is a mauvais. It's better to wait for the transport boiling in the dust and enjoy the local roads.

The city is favorably located, so it got good rail, water and road transport connections with other regions of the country. The federal roads to Voronezh and Baku pass through the territory of the district

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Cuisine and restaurants

There are few cafes and restaurants in Aksai that could be recommended to your friends. There are networks of cafes - for example, "Rice", specializing in Japanese cuisine. You can sit here for a long time (waiters are leisurely) and have a good meal.

Other institutions offer everything from borsch to shish kebabs and chebureks. Snack food for 200 rubles. Places where you can sit under a TV set and beer - for 300-400 rubles


In Aksai tourists look for shops of two types: food and souvenir. With the first in the city full order. You can buy everything you need and do not be afraid to die of hunger.

But the second type will have to be looked for, as there is no sale of souvenirs here. Basically, in Aksai come across dishes with Don's symbols, with pictures on the history of the Rostov region and the Cossacks. Such patriotic souvenirs that can be put on the shelf and sometimes admire them.

"Pushkin Readings" in Aksay

Aksay Hotels

There are several hotels in the city, you can also rent a room in the private sector or look into the camping.

Aksai is convenient because it is located relatively close to the Rostov airport, so it is possible to reach the hotel within an hour. Accommodation facilities for level 2 "stars" offer rooms with shower, refrigerator, shared beds and a split-system. The bonus is a shared kitchen and a sauna with a swimming pool. Accommodation in a double room in such a hotel will cost about 1500 rubles.

The private sector is a stop in the Aksai district. The extreme option, if the city suddenly clogged all the hotels. The room will cost 600-800 rubles. Campers are preferred by lovers of sleep under the stars. The most basic amenities are: they will give a tent, there is a bathroom, a shower. The rest is yours.

2 things to do in Aksay:
  1. Visit Pushkin's holiday is one of the city's main attractions. In 1820 and 1829 the Russian poet visited the village of Aksay. Now at the Postal Station this event is celebrated: they read poems and sing romances.
  2. Walk along the embankment - this part of the city looks especially effective in the fall. In cloudy weather, a cold wind rages here, which pierces your insides, the waves break down on reinforced concrete structures, and the sun peeps out only to be horrified. At this time, photographers take spectacular shots on the embankment.

Entertainment, sightseeing and sightseeing Aksay

One of Aksay's attractions can be taken far away from the city. The rest are connected with the Second World War and the first settlers

Kobyakovo ancient settlement

This ancient settlement, according to archaeologists, was formed by settlers from the Zakuban '. Bronze Age materials were found here, with the help of which experts establish the reasons for the origin and death of Kobyakovo culture.

6 buildings of the Bronze Age were investigated on the territory of the settlement. The settler dwellings are mostly rectangular, there are land structures and semi-dugouts. The settlers were engaged in handicraft and intermediary trade

Monument to the soldiers of the Great Patriotic War

He is near Aksai, in the village of Dawn. Twelve residents of the city became Heroes of the Soviet Union. In all administrative centers of the regions there are monuments that perpetuated the exploit of the Aksai people during the Great Patriotic War. For example, the Monastery Memorial "Kaplitsa" was erected - the crew of the gunboat "Rostov" is buried here.

Military-Historical Complex

This complex can be found on the territory of the Mukhina Balka reserve. The exposition of the open-air museum exhibition is constantly replenished. Its creators believe that soon there will be one of the largest in the South of Russia expositions of domestic military equipment and weapons of all wars that affected Russia in the 20th century.

The main exhibits are samples of decommissioned equipment: armored vehicles, artillery and antiaircraft guns, missile models , floating engineering facilities, aircraft. In addition, the complex includes an underground command post that was created in the 1960s in the event of the Third World War

The system of underground passages

The first underground tunnels in the city appeared from time immemorial - it's even hard to say, when exactly. According to legend, the tunnels were used by the Cossacks, who so traveled from Aksai to Azov.

Coordinates of the moves are, of course, known. However, one can not go down alone under the earth. Excursions are possible only in the presence of professional guides.