Already from the very meaning of the name of Vytegra ("lake river" in translation) it becomes clear what attracts tourists in it - the clear waters of Lake Onega and rapids that are so interesting for rafting on canoes, kayaks and rafts. In addition to river riches, Vytegra attracts tourists with the ancient northern wooden architecture, which has remained here since the time of Peter the Great.

At one time Vytegra was called the "port of five seas", because here lay the main highway of the Northwest of Russia - the Volga-Baltic Way , which unites the waters of the Baltic, White, Caspian, Azov and Black Seas into one.

Tourists come to this region for the purest of all lakes of European Russia - Onega Lake, whose sandy beaches are among the best. By the way, fishing on the lake is also very popular among tourists. Due to the good ecological condition of the reservoir, there are a lot of large fish in it, for example, there are ide, bream and perch, so in summer and winter many fishermen specially come to Vytegra to rest on the lake.

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How to get here

Vytegra is located far from the main transport highways. Therefore, you can get to the city either by plane, by local airlines from Vologda airport, or by train, from Lodeynoye Pole or Podporozhye stations. The stations are at a distance of 200 km from the city, you can get there by bus, the duration of the trip by bus is about 3-4 hours. In addition, you can get to the city on the P5 road through Kirillov, and also from St. Petersburg by bus (the journey time is 8-9 hours).

Search for tickets to Vologda (the nearest airport to Vytegra)

History, legends and facts

The city appeared just over 300 years ago, when an engineer from Scotland John Perry conducted research on the watershed of Onega and the White Lakes and decided how to build a future channel. It was thanks to him that near the Onega Lake first a small settlement appeared, and then the future city.

Later, during the Great Patriotic War, the city became a haven for valuables and valuables from the Imperial Hermitage and His Majesty's Cabinet. In order to take out all the valuables, it took 22 ships.

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It is best to stay somewhere in the camp of Onega Lake, if you want to live directly in the city - you should take a closer look at the hotel "Vordenklyf". A miniature hotel with 20 rooms was opened in 2012, interiors and service here - as in Europe. Address: Lenin Avenue, 3a

Entertainment, excursions and attractions Vytegra

Museum-submarine B-440

Paris begins with the Eiffel Tower, New York - with Times Square, Moscow - with Red Square, and Vytegra - from the submarine. It was on it that the museum and the hall of military glory of seamen were arranged. Given that this small town gave our country 5 admirals, nothing surprising in this. So if in your youth you raved the sea and Jules Verne, read out to the holes "20 000 leagues under the water", then you simply need to visit this place.

The museum works from 9.00 to 17.00. Address: Komsomolskaya, 15, tel .: +7 81746 2 67 29.

Church of the Presentation of the Lord

Sretensky Church (1869-73) - a beautiful five-domed church with a bell tower - one of the tallest buildings in the city. The church is well located - on top of a hill. If you climb up to the bell tower (you just need to buy a ticket to visit the bell tower), then the whole city and its surroundings will open.

The Resurrection Cathedral

The Cathedral (1796-1800) is located in the city center on Lenin Avenue. Once it was a sturdy cathedral with five chapters, but in the Soviet times it was partially disassembled and served as the House of Watercraft Culture. A couple of years ago the church was repaired, so now it looks much better than before.

Old Gateway

Find it on the outskirts of the city, on the river itself. At the moment it looks very sad - the building has long fallen into disrepair, although in the 90's it was reconstructed. In addition to the lock. interesting monument to the Mariinsky water system - a white obelisk, which was installed in honor of the canal. In the same place, not far away, there is an operating gateway with a highway running along it, along which you can reach nearby villages and recreation centers.

Unique Museum of Rescue in Vytegra Training and Rescue Center on Lake Onega

Museums Vytegra

Find out about the history of the city, about what trace in his "biography" left Peter I and Catherine II, how the city is connected with the great construction sites of the Mariinsky and Volga-Baltic canals, about what bloody battles were fought here during the Great Patriotic War , you can in local lore music e.

Neighborhoods Outside Vytegra, too, there are plenty of interesting places. For example, you can go to the village of Soginitsa, where now, next to the picturesque old ancient buildings and wooden tents, there is a holiday village.

After a couple of kilometers after Vazhin, the asphalt and bus service with Podporozhye ends. Next is a decent grader, right up to the Tokari station of the Murmansk railway, where Podporozhsky buses and asphalt again appear. The road winds along the forest along Vazhinki, in the direction of the forest cuttings, and to Soginitsa - just one village, turned into a holiday village. But before the Soginica the forest parted, and wooden tents and the bell tower were seen from the road.

Behind the Soginitsa is the village of Zaozerye, in the center of which is a small chapel of Peter and Paul. By the way, it was in it that the film "Agit Brigade" Beat the enemy "was shot! "With Viktor Sukhorukov in the lead role.