What is the weather like in Kostroma in May?

Responses information department of "Subtlety of Tourism"
By the beginning of May in Kostroma snow usually comes down completely, green grass and flowers appear, trees start blossoming. Air during this period warms up to an average of +15 degrees in the daytime and up to + 6-8 at night. In the middle of May there is a short-term cooling, the so-called "cherry cloud cold", but the temperature rises rapidly and by the end of the month it reaches + 19-20 degrees in the daytime and + 8-10 at night.

May in Kostroma is the rainiest of all spring months. But the precipitation is not strained: they are uninhabitable and short-lived, so that the overall relative humidity is low. In general, there are clear days, sunny and well. It's time to start the tourist season!

Current weather for the next few days can be found on the page "Weather in Kostroma."

October 19, 2011

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