Are there any hotels near Nikola-Lenivets? Is it convenient to stay in hotels in Kaluga to visit the art park?

Answer information department of the "Tourism Subtlety"
From Kaluga to Nikola-Lenivets can be reached by bus, the journey time is 1 h. 20 min. Departure every two hours from the bus station Kaluga-1. Several hotels are in the city of Kondorovo, from which to Nikola-Lenivtsa only 15-20 minutes by taxi (400-600 rub.)

During the festivals, in the vicinity of Nikolo-Lenivtsa organize a lot of tent camps and campsites. The most popular of them are "Camping in Koltsovo" and "Eco-camping in Zwizzh." In campings, there is a summer shower and a dining room, there is Wi-Fi.

27 May 2013

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