Franz Josef Land - an uninhabited archipelago of the Arctic Ocean, known as the polar semi-desert, constitutes the northern part of the Arkhangelsk region of Russia. It consists of almost two dozen islands separated by straits. The vast part of the archipelago is covered by glaciers and permafrost.

The archipelago was discovered quite accidentally in 1872 by a group of Austrian researchers. Actually, because the northern land bears the name of the Austrian king, who ruled at that time. A little later, in a few dozen years, the Earth was declared the territory of Russia.

At present, the most northern meteorological station in the world, the Krenkel Observatory, operates on the island of Heys. The most northern post office is also registered here, operating only one hour a day on Wednesdays.

The vegetation world of Franz Josef Land is very scarce: except mosses and lichens, almost nothing grows here. However, in the summer, when some islands set a plus temperature, sometimes even flowers bloom. Among animals, polar bears, seals and various species of marine northern birds are especially common.

Franz Josef Land
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Franz Josef Land
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How to get here

Since Franz Josef Land is an uninhabited area, there is no established transport connection with it. Since the time of the Soviet Union, there have been several airports on the islands that served primarily military purposes. But now they are conserved, like most Arctic airports.

Expeditions and tourist cruises to Franz Josef Land are carried out on icebreakers, starting from Murmansk. At the same time overcoming the distance from the edge of the continent to the first southern islands of the archipelago can take more than a day.

Search for tickets to the city of Arkhangelsk (the nearest a / p to Franz Josef Land)


The climate on Franz Josef Land is typically arctic. It's always frosty and cold here. However, the summer is still different from winter. In June, the maximum temperature is set on the island of Hayes and reaches +1.6 ° C. In this case, the averaged values ​​of the summer temperature converge at -1.2 ° C. For January, the temperature is -24 ° C, but sometimes there are much more severe frosts. The wind in the archipelago can reach speeds of up to 40 m / s.

Entertainment, excursions and attractions

Franz Josef Land is a remote and poorly studied part of the globe. Going on a tour of the severe northern ice, be prepared for the fact that the route of travel will be highly dependent on weather conditions. Narrow straits between islands at any time can be clogged with ice and block access to the vessel.

Usually, excursions to the Earth start from the port of Murmansk. Before the desired islands appear on the horizon, it can take more than a day. Meanwhile, from the open deck you can already contemplate the first polar landscapes - the endless cold sea and the pack of skuas chasing the ship.

Franz Josef Land is a remote and poorly studied part of the globe. Going on a tour of the severe northern ice, be prepared for the fact that the travel route will be highly dependent on the weather conditions.

The first is usually the southernmost island of the archipelago - the island of Bell. There is a great chance to meet Arctic animals - bears or seals. Experienced sailors say that polar bears, when they see a floating icebreaker, stand on their hind legs and carefully examine the people gathered on the deck. Under good weather conditions on the island of Bell, it is possible to board an excursion to the beautifully preserved house built by the La Smith expedition in 1881

Tours to Franz Josef Land
But on the island of Northbrug there is a whole village, organized here by a group of Jackson. Researchers have lived here longer than others - for three years. On the island you can observe the memorable stelae, as well as the largest bird market in Cape Flora.
Franz Josef Land
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However, the canned polar stations and shelters of the desperate discoverers of the Arctic, miraculously surviving on these wild lands, meet even further. In the end, the excursion approaches the most extreme northern point of Russia and Eurasia - the cape of the Fligel. Here you will have the opportunity to admire the amazingly beautiful rocks and glacial domes.

The cost of the tour of Franz Josef Land varies from 9000 EUR for 11 days of travel, including accommodation in a double cabin. The price includes meals, various excursions and study materials. Separately, you will have to pay for air travel from Moscow to Murmansk and back and the cost of health insurance.

All prices are indicated for 2014