The Kabansky district is a relatively independent tourist area of ​​Buryatia. It is located along the south-eastern coast of the lake. Baikal from Cape Oblom in the north to the river. Snowy in the south and bordering the Irkutsk region. From the west it is washed by the waters of Lake Baikal, from the east it is bounded by mountain chains of the Ulan-Burgas and Khamar-Daban ridges. The Selenga River divides the region into almost equal parts.

Kabansky district specializes in the following types of tourism: fishing, active tourism in the mountains of Khamar-Daban (pedestrian, ski tourism, rafting), ecological and scientific tourism (Baikal Biosphere Reserve), cultural and educational excursions. There are good prospects for the development of skiing.

The climate in the region is continental, but somewhat milder in comparison with other regions of Buryatia. The most "warm" place in the winter is the district of the city of Babushkin.

Kabansky district
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Chain of the Khamar-Daban mountain massifs

Khamar-Daban (in the translation from Buryat ridge - nose, walnut pass) is the name of the mountainous country near Baikal, which is divided into small and large Khamar-Daban. It is a chain of mountain ranges with a width of 40 to 90 km. The maximum height of the ridge is 2371 m (Khan-Ula mountain). Precipitation here falls more than in adjacent areas, the humid climate contributes to the abundant growth of diverse vegetation, for which the ridge is sometimes called "Siberian jungle." The fauna of the ridge is represented by 37 species of mammals and 260 species of birds. To protect the flora and fauna of the ridge, as well as to observe the air basin, the Baikal Biosphere Reserve is organized here.

Here you can find sights such as Sobolinoye Lake, Grokhotun Falls, Skazka, Emerald. Along the river Snezhnaya grows the only grove of relic poplars in Eastern Siberia. From the tops of the ridge a panorama of Baikal opens.

At the same time, the relief and vegetation of the Khamar-Daban represent a certain complexity for the movement of tourists .The tops of the ridge, often densely overgrown with cedar stems, are difficult to overcome, and inadequate survey makes it difficult to orient .A certain danger is caused by heavy rainfall and sudden frosts, which are possible even in July .The danger is also presented by the encephalitis tick .Another circumstance that makes it difficult to provide emergency assistance in case of its need is the absence of settlements .Hiking in Hamar-Daban requires good preparation .

Tourism in the Kabansky District

Delta Selenga

The delta stretches from the Bolshoi Sukhoi River basin to the Boyarskaya River basin, venturing into the land to the slopes of the Sea and Khamar-Daban ranges. A significant part of the delta is heavily swamped, with many small lakes. Numerous islands, peninsulas, channels, lakes and coves form a very complex labyrinth, in which it is quite difficult to navigate.

The Selenga shallow water adjoins the delta - a vast shallow water area in the Baikal water area. The delta is inhabited by a large number of birds, about 25o species. This is the largest place in Eastern Siberia for the concentration of waterbirds: during the autumn migration through the delta, 5-7 million ducks, including geese and swans, fly by.

The Delta, together with the Selenga shallow water adjacent to it, is the richest fishing and hunting grounds of Lake Baikal. Seasonal hunting is allowed here, as well as fishing.

Kabansky district
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The city of Babushkin is 180 km west of Ulan-Ude, in one of the coves on the southern shore of Lake Baikal, in the delta of the Mysovka River. Since 1990, Babushkin is one of the historical cities of Buryatia. Its history is closely connected with the history of the development of transport routes in Transbaikalia. The beginning of this development was laid in the era of the "Great Tea Route."

The former name of the town is the village of Mysovaya. It is used today. Through Mysovaya there was a "shackle", along which the convicts were transported to Akatui, Nerchinsk and other places of Transbaikalia, and in 1886 a transit point was built here. One of such transit points was restored at the Ethnographic Museum of Culture and Life of the Transbaikalian People in the city of Ulan-Ude. Now the city of Babushkin is of interest as an object for visiting tourists. There are places of interest, including some ancient buildings, an old lighthouse, monuments to revolutionaries and participants in wars, as well as a local history museum. Not far from the city near the shore of Lake Baikal, a small source, which the local residents call the "Holy Key", is beating from the ground. Photo of the Kabansky district (10)