The Western Crimea is well known to our compatriots in the resorts of Sevastopol, Balaklava, Evpatoria plus small but equally popular tourist places of Chernomorskoye, Saki, Zaozernoye and others. This resort area extends along the flat coast of the peninsula along the Kalamitsky and Karkinitsky bays of the Black Sea from the village of Peschanoe.

Despite the fact that the Southern and Central Crimea enjoys greater popularity among tourists, the western shore is not inferior either to the purity of the water and beaches, nor to the beauties of the local landscapes, nor to the development of the tourist infrastructure. The coastline is a wide sand and pebble beaches in warm and shallow bays, which makes recreation here especially attractive for couples with children.

How to get to the western coast of Crimea

The transport center of Crimea - the city of Simferopol with an international airport and a major railway junction, from where you can reach anywhere on the coast. The cost of flight from Moscow to Simferopol - from 4,000 rubles. By train - in a reserved car from 2 271 rubles, in a compartment - from 4 005 rubles.

Then - by train or bus. In the same Evpatoria from Simferopol can be reached by train for 2 hours and 10-20 hryvnia. The bus will be 15 minutes faster, and it will cost about 20 hryvnia. On buses to other resorts of the Western Crimea, the ticket price is about the same, the schedule should be specified on the spot.

Western Crimea
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The combination of sea and steppe climates of the western part of Crimea makes rest in these places very comfortable. There are more than 260 sunny days per year, and in Evpatoria their number reaches 290! Altogether in the Western Crimea, the sun shines 2300-2500 hours per year, which makes the region a champion in Ukraine.

The average February temperature is +1 ° C, July - +24 ° C. Sea water in June is heated to +19 ⁰С, in July-August-to + 22-23 ⁰С, in September - up to +18 ⁰С, which makes bathing comfortable until October.

Sights of the Western Crimea

Balaklava bay is one of the most famous places in the Western Crimea. Deeply going into the land, picturesque, long and winding, it is surrounded by mountains and almost invisible from the sea. This is an amazing place of natural origin - the bay was formed due to a tectonic fault that cut into the rock massif for 1, 5 kilometers. The width of the bay is from 200 to 400 meters. The surrounding mountains protect the mountains from storms and winds, making Balaklava bay one of the best places for yachting on the Black Sea coast.

On the shores of the famous bay there is the ancient city of Balaklava. At different times, the bay and the city were inhabited by Taurians, Greeks, Romans, Genoese, Turks. Today it is the region of Sevastopol. At the entrance to the bay on the eastern shore, on the slope of Mount Kastron, the ruins of the Genoese fortress Cembalo are preserved.

Balaklava also has a submarine base, created as an anti-nuclear shelter and a factory for the repair of submarines. During the Cold War, this colossal base was a secret object. Since 1993, it has not functioned, and since 2003 it has been open to tourists.

Guests can stroll around an artificial canal that passes through the mountain, inspect several workshops of the plant and an arsenal where torpedoes and nuclear warheads were stored. Exhibits of the museum - models of warships and models of equipment and weapons from the Sevastopol Higher Naval Engineering School. Address: Ukraine, Sevastopol, Balaklava, ul. Tavricheskaya Embankment, 22.

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Khersones Tavrichesky

Reserve "Chersonese Tavrichesky" in Sevastopol. Tauric Chersonese, or simply Chersonese, is an ancient city on the south-western coast of the Crimea. Founded presumably in 529-528 gg. BC. e. ancient Greek colonists. For several centuries the city was a major economic, political and cultural center of the Northern Black Sea Coast.

In Chersonese to our days the ruins of an ancient city have been preserved. First of all, there are a number of walls and a central square that existed from the very foundation of the city. The most famous sights of the city are the famous bell, the basilica, the defensive tower, also called the Zeno tower.

Among the Orthodox shrines here stands out especially Vladimirsky Cathedral. In its current appearance, it was built in 1861-1891. On the site of an ancient Christian church, also located in the center of the main square of the city. Presumably, it was in this ancient church in 988 that the fateful event for Rus took place - the baptism of Grand Duke Vladimir.

Tens of thousands of people visit Chersonese every year. Today it is a national nature reserve and the largest scientific and methodical base of archaeologists, museologists, historians. Archaeologists here regularly extract works of art, objects of everyday life of the inhabitants of the ancient city, handicrafts, tools. The city is open for tourists, there is a great opportunity not only to see the sights, but also to communicate with the scientists working here and ask them questions.

Address of the museum "Tauric Chersonese" - Sevastopol, Ancient street, 1. The Chersonesus ancient settlement belongs to Gagarinsky district of Sevastopol.

Turkish baths in Evpatoria

Turkish baths are a unique attraction of Evpatoria. First, their uniqueness lies in their age: these structures were built 5 centuries ago. Secondly, the baths were used for their intended purpose until the early 1990s. However, their original form of the bath, alas, not preserved.

Baths consist of several rooms intended for dressing, massage and directly hygienic procedures. The male and female branches of the bath are located in parallel. They are adjacent to the premises for water supply and heating. All buildings are today in a dilapidated state and require reconstruction. Address: Evpatoria, st. Krasnoarmeyskaya, 20. The mode of excursions: in the summer - from 9 to 20 (without days off, break from 12 to 16), in winter - on request.

Price: from 20 UAH. adult ticket and from 10 UAH. - child, who is up to 14 years old.

The Armenian Church in Evpatoria

The Armenian Church is a beautiful religious building in the depths of the old city of Evpatoria. Its construction began in 1817, but for a long time it could not end because of a lack of funds. As a result, it was completed only in 1885. St. Nicholas' Church was built by the Armenian community of the city and has three entrances: western, northern and southern, over which once stood porticoes with cross vaults. Address: Evpatoria, st. International, 44.


Kara-Tobe is an ancient Greek-Scythian site of ancient settlement and one of the most significant sights of the Western Crimea. During the excavations carried out in the 1980s, an ancient settlement with a great historical value was discovered. Today Kara-Tobe is first of all the excavations of the ancient fortress Evpatorion and the reconstruction of the Scythian hut.

Above the hillfort there is a restored white tower, built as a fire point in the middle of the last century. Some time later it was abandoned and only recently restored and turned into a museum of antiquities Kara-Tobe. It contains the most valuable exhibits found during excavations of the ancient settlement.

The museum is open all year round. Working hours are from 11 to 18, without breaks and weekends. From June to September guided tours are organized. The site of the fort is 7 km from the city of Saki. You can get there by the road that connects the cities of Saki and Evpatoria. The exact address: Evpatoria Highway 2A, Saki. Phones: +38 (06563) 2-34-41, +38 (06563) 2-89-58.

Rest in the Western Crimea

Western Crimea is a large, picturesque and rich tourist attractions center. Here, a favorable climate, many hotels, restaurants and cafes, entertainment venues.

In recent years, more and more popular is the coast of Tarkhankut, which received the name from the Greek. "A beautiful harbor." The main highlight of this area is the banks of the Tarkhankut peninsula, picturesque forty-meter steep cliffs of the Atlesh and Jangul capes, stone columns rising up among the emerald-green water, through grottoes in snow-white rocks ... Perhaps it's best to see for yourself!

The resorts of the Western Crimea offer not only a lot of options for beach and active water recreation, but also medical and recreational procedures that can save many ailments - and, in the first place, diseases of the respiratory system. The absence of dense forests and other natural barriers promotes the circulation of steppe winds and sea breezes, which brings coolness, makes the air curative due to saturation with salts and ions combined with the aromas of steppe grasses. Here it's easy to breathe even on the hottest days.

In addition, Evpatoria and Saki are the largest health-improving centers of the region. Here the treatment is carried out on the basis of mineral waters and mud, which is so rich in Western Crimea.

The western region of Crimea is one of the most inexpensive and accessible places of rest on the Black Sea, including for summer holidays in tent cities near the spacious beaches. Nikolaevka and Peschanoe are traditionally the best choice for lovers of "wild" economic rest.

All prices are for the 2012 season

Photo of the Western Crimea (43)