The island is located 55 km to the south of Pskov. The name of the city speaks for itself: it originated on an island in the middle of the river Velikaya, which flows into the Pskov lake. There are important trade routes, which greatly affected the development of crafts and trade in the city.

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How to call

+ 7-81152-phone number

How to get here

To Pskov, then by car, or by bus and shuttle bus to Novorzhev, Pushkinsky Gory, Velikiye Luk. Bus station Pskov: st. Vokzalnaya 21. Starting from May 1, daily traffic starts on the bus suburban route No. 110 "Pskov - Ostrov". The fare from 50 RUR.

From St. Petersburg there is a train to Vilnius from Vitebsk railway station, every other day; Travel time: about 6 hours 10 minutes; by train to Riga from Vitebsk railway station, daily; Travel time: about 6 hours 5 minutes.

Search for airplane tickets to the city of St. Petersburg (nearest a / p to Ostrov)

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City `s history

For the first time the island was mentioned in the chronicle in 1341, it was not just a large city, but also an important outpost in the south of the Pskov land. His story began with the events of the military, when on a small island formed by the Great River and its Slobozhikha stream, a fortress was built to protect against the attacks of the Livonian Order. The stone fortress was one of the largest in Ancient Rus. The strength of the fortress is obvious, five towers and zahab make its appearance very formidable.

Map of the Island
In 1542 on the territory of the fortress the St. Nicholas Church was erected, as severe and powerful as the fortress itself.

Unfortunately, tourists will not have to see the Ostrov fortress: what the time spared, the war did not spare.

In August 1581, the fortress fell after a three-day assault by the Poles and under enemy rule until March 1582 .For the next few years, the fortress was overtaken by desolation and impoverishment, the Island remained a supernumerary town .But, as in many cases in Russia, thanks to the merchant in the city came economic, if not prosperity, well-being .Trade in flax, bristle and leather industries turned out to be profitable for both merchants and the city treasury .The island revived, which was facilitated by the opening in the 19th century of the sections of the Ostrov-Pskov and Ostrov-Dinaburg railroads .In the 20th century, the city suffered during the Second World War, and after it some popularity was brought to the city located in immediate proximity to it military facilities .

City Island

Hotels and Cafes Islands

Guest house "Smolenka" has four rooms for the reception of guests, a cafe, a sauna. It is located at: Ostrovsky district, Smolenka village. To go to it it is necessary as follows: 3 km from the Island, 2 km from M20, turn in Zankovo ​​village at the direction - Smolenka 2 km.

Hotel Ostrov (25 October Street, No. 17) does not offer any special delights, but it is even possible to spend the night in the city. Of the pluses - beautiful views from the windows of the rooms.

Cafe "Malachite", which in the city is often called "Butcher", is located on the square of Klava Nazarova. The menu is not very extensive, but all dishes are cooked very tasty, inexpensive, portions are huge. In the evening, guests are offered a music program, there is a smoking room. Locals like this institution and quite often visit.

Entertainment, excursions and attractions Islands

The oldest stone building of the city is the Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker in Zastene (1542). The uniqueness of the church is that its altar is not facing east, as in all the temples, but to the north.

At the end of 18 and especially in the 19th century the city began to be quickly built up by modern stone houses for residential and public purposes. They built the Trinity Cathedral and the Intercession Church, on the central square rose stone shopping arcades. In 1853, the city acquired a beautiful suspension chain bridge constructed according to the design of engineer M.Ya. Krasnopolsky.

At the inauguration of his presence, Tsar Nicholas I attended.

Pylons made of granite blocks, double branches of chains consisting of flat links, rollers that ensure the movement of chains due to changes in dynamic load - all this is not just a bold engineering solution, but also a surprisingly beautiful structure .Going up to the bridge and jumping well (which for the curious tourist will not be a problem), one can feel how the bridge is swinging: such structures are very sensitive to the slightest load .In this regard, in the 19th century, the Ministry of Railways developed a special provision on traffic on these bridges .

Island Architecture

From old buildings preserved: zemstvo board, women's Alexandrovskaya gymnasium, vocational school, Yamskaya station. In the reconstructed form came to us the merchant houses of Semyon Ovechkin Korobovsky, Kalashnikov, Antonov. Also in the historical part of the city there are such buildings as the Trinity Cathedral (1790), the Intercession Church (1793), the Church of the Myrrhbearers (1819), the Kirche (1905), and the Polish Catholic Church (1905). The Simansky Spaso-Kazan monastery and the wooden church of St. John of Kronstadt are interesting.

Types of Islands

Temples of the Island

St. Nicholas Church was built in the town of Ostrov on the island, in 1542, and the bell tower was added to it much later, in 1801. The cathedral is beautiful, organically fits into the surrounding picture - it stands on the island. It is the oldest building in the city.

In 1790, Catherine II inspected the "newly built land" and gave the city the island money for the construction of the Trinity Cathedral, which to this day stands at the intersection of the street on October 25 and the Soviet Avenue. In the 19th century, a bell tower and a beautiful front porch were attached to the church.

Another attraction of the city is the Simansky Spaso-Kazan Convent. The monastery was built in the 19th century, served as a transit prison in the 20th century, now the monastery is actively restored and restored. Despite the fact that not all of its buildings are put into operation, it is in effect.

Local History Museum

Local History Museum of the Island (K.Libknekhta Street, 5, tel .: (81152) 21950, opening hours: 10: 00-17: 00, Monday - Monday). The main theme of the exhibition is the Great Patriotic War, a rich collection of weapons, Soviet and captured transport equipment is presented. Photo of the Island (12)