Orlovschina - the middle Russia, the center and heart of Russia. The richest Russian region, called Bunin "fertile under-stage." Even in the annals of the 12th century, peers of Moscow - the cities of Mtsensk, Novosil, Kromy - are mentioned. Four hundred years later, the fortified towns of Bolkhov, Orel, Livny were founded. Orel region has often become a place of battle with the Tatar nomads, here the events of the Time of Troubles unfolded in the early 17th century.

Orlovschina - the birthplace of Turgenev, Leskov, Fet. The life and work of Tyutchev, Bunin and Prishvin are connected with the Orel region.

Popular excursion cities - Orel, Mtsensk, Spasskoe-Lutovinovo, Bolhov, Turgenevo.

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Geography, nature, climate

Oryol Oblast is a subject of the Russian Federation in the central part of the Central Russian Upland. Behind the dry words of the handbooks lies the richest in history, natural beauty, various sights and opportunities for recreation the edge. The terrain here has a hilly relief, which is nice to the eye, and numerous rivers of the region belong to the basins of the Volga, the Don and the Dnieper.

The climate in Orlovschina is moderately continental, winter is usually cold and snowy (the average temperature of January is about -10 degrees), and the summers are hot (the average July temperature is +19 degrees) .The average precipitation is around 500-600 mm per year, with 2/3 of them falling between April and May .In the summer, precipitation is usually short-term, which benefits the plant world, in particular, the harvest: the Orel region is traditionally strong in the production of such crops .The most overcast months are November, December, January .

To visit the region it is better to choose, despite possible rains, the months from May to October, when in all its glory you can see the nature of the region.

Especially good are the landscapes of the Orel region during the golden autumn, when the foliage of trees is struck by a variety of shades.
Oryol Region

History of the region

Not only the nature of the Orel region is rich, but its history. Such cities as Mtsensk, Bolkhov, Livny, Novosil were mentioned in the annals in the 12th century. In those days, the modern territory of the region was part of the Chernigov principality, later became part of Lithuanian Rus, and the cities here became fortifications of the Great Zasechnaya Line.

Over time, with the change of state borders, the military importance of these cities began to decline .By the beginning of the 19th century, many county-level cities in the Orel gubernia became trade and craft centers known throughout Russia .20th century brought the field of serious testing .The revolution of 1917 marked the beginning of the economic decline of the cities of Orlovschina and the barbarous attitude towards Orthodox churches: the 30s were demolished churches in Bolkhov, Orel, Mtsensk .During the Great Patriotic War, almost the whole area was occupied by the German fascist invaders and underwent severe destruction .The recovery period was also not easy .

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Sights of the region

Today, such cities in the Orel region as Mtsensk, Bolkhov, Livny, Novosil, Maloarkhangelsk are not only interesting, but also have unique sights .For example, Eagle, which is the administrative center of the region .The city was founded in 1566 by the decree of Ivan the Terrible, in order to protect the southern borders of the Moscow State .Nowadays it is a modern city that has preserved its face and a lot of notable places .This is the Epiphany Church, and the Holy Assumption Cathedral, and the Trinity Church, and 19th-century mansions, and modern monuments - these are just a partial list of the city's attractions .

Bolkhov is a small city with a huge number of churches for these sizes (they are currently 25) and well-preserved merchant houses built in the second half of the 18th century and the first half of 19.

Mtsensk is known not only for its historical and architectural sights, but also for the fact that the great Russian writer Leskov chose him the scene of his novel "Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk". In addition, till now there is and is developing a national craft that gave, without exaggeration, to the whole world such a miracle as Mtsensk lace.

In Livny you can see the buildings of St. Sergius Monastery, numerous churches and buildings built in the 19th century, made in the style of classicism. Lovers of engineering structures will be interested in the Adam's mill, built in the century before last with the use of all then technical innovations.

A special place in a number of places is occupied by the memorial estate-estate Spasskoe-Lutovinovo, firmly connected with the name of the great Russian writer IS Turgenev. Here, in the reconstructed house after the fire, there is a remarkable exposition showing the manor life of the 19th century and giving an opportunity to expand the ideas about the prose writer's work. Almost all the exhibits are authentic, most of them belonged to the writer and his ancestors.

Orel Polissya

In 1994, with the aim of preserving the plants and animals of the region, the Orlovsky Polesie National Park was established, the pride of which is the amazing European bison. For tourists there are ample opportunities for recreation: the infrastructure of the park includes hotel complexes "House forester" and "Orel Polissya", a restaurant, a cafe, recreation facilities in the picturesque corners of the park.

Photo of the Oryol region (47)