There are cities on the earth that can not boast of crowds of spoiled tourists, eager to see the majestic pompous architecture, insane number of attractions, and especially important events in them, as it were, never happened. But there is in them a special energy and charm. After the self-confident speeches of some metropolitan city about his decisive role in history on their face you will see a mysterious and indulgent smile. Yes, you guessed it, in fact, everything was decided right here.

Today in the city of Pugachev, which is located 246 km north-east of Saratov on the right bank of the Volga tributary - the Big Irgiz - life flows slowly and usually, as in any small Russian town. However, this place is marked by a seal of perpetual change and confusion.

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How to get here

You can get to the city by train from Saratov, Samara, Ufa, Volgograd, Adler and other cities - this is quite a large railway junction of the Volga region. From Balakovo - on the suburban train for an hour and a half. From Samara, you can also take a bus (3, 5 hours), from Saratov bus will go about 5, 5-6 hours.

Despite the fact that the city's name sounds like "Pugachev", the railway station with it for some reason bears the name of Pugachevskaya.

A paragraph of history

In 1762, Catherine II issued a manifesto, which said that it is necessary to settle and the left bank of the great river. From this moment, schismatics, runaway peasants and freedom-loving and rebellious people began to colonize this land.

In 1764, the Old Believers in place of the modern Pugachev formed a settlement Mechetnaya (its name was obtained from the fact that after the reign of the Golden Horde, a large number of Muslim temples were found here).

In 1883 in Nikolaevsk (and now in Pugachev) was born future famous writer Alexei Tolstoy. He described the life of the city in his novels The Lame Barin and The Eccentrics.

Nearby were formed sketes, women's, as well as male monasteries, which in the near future became known .They for a very long period of time acted as brothels for various people who were hiding under the guise of adherents of the paternal faith .Only in 1828, thanks to the efforts of the Saratov governor Golitsyn and military force, it was possible to convert a part of the Old Believers into a new faith .Now this is the place where a huge number of people are going to make pilgrimage, wanting to touch the holy relics and hear the angelic chanting .

In 1772, in the settlement, Emelian Pugachev, who was considered to be a fugitive at that time, was the event's will. At the moment when he learned from the abbot who lived in the Old Believer skete, about the unrest that occurred among the Cossacks, Emelyan Pugachev decided to impersonate Peter III.

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In Pugachev there are a couple of hotels, but there is no need to wait for any super-service from them, they perfectly fit the "just to spend the night" category. So, "Sputnik" offers a slow internet (20 rubles per 10 minutes), rental of a teapot (10 rubles per hour) and location directly in the building of the local railway. station. Nearby, on the street. Communist, the hotel "Paradise" is located (decent rooms with a TV and a shower).

Entertainment, excursions and sightseeing Pugacheva

In 1836, the overgrown settlement was renamed to Nikolaevsk. In 1897 there was a fire, and after that the streets began to be filled with benches, brick mansions, shops, buildings, warehouses. Today these buildings, along with the museum of local lore, built in 1836, are immersed during a leisurely walk into the atmosphere of a typical rich county town: a male gymnasium (now an agricultural technical school), a trading house of the Schmidt brothers, a zemstvo, a merchant's mansion school).

During the Civil War, the revolutionary V.I. Chapaev formed detachments of the 25th Division in Mykolaiv Uyezd. It was at his initiative that Nikolaevsk was renamed Pugachev.

Today you can visit the house museum of V.I. Chapaev, admire the majestic five-domed Resurrection Cathedral (1889), the restored mosque, walk along the old streets. Sometimes small and, at first sight, unremarkable cities can enrich and amaze the enchanted wanderer no less than the wonders of the world.