Putorana Plateau ... One mysterious name of the mountainous country on which the reserve is located, already beckons. Exceptionally beautiful landscapes, rich animal and plant world of the lost world attract not only scientists but also tourists, curious and loving adventures.

There is no automobile road from Norilsk to the reserve. In winter, tourists are thrown on snowmobiles, in the summer - they are delivered by water.

How to get here

The administration of the reserve, where you need to get permission to enter the protected area, is located in Norilsk, this is the Krasnoyarsk Territory. The planes from Moscow to this northern city fly daily, so it will not get any work.

There is no automobile road from Norilsk to the reserve . In winter, tourists are thrown on snowmobiles . At the same time, especially for the first time, do not do it it is recommended: to find the place of ascent to the plateau is difficult . In summer the groups are delivered by water: all river transport vehicles are privately owned, so the transfer, of course, flies in penny to fans of hard-to-find tourist attractions . plateau by helicopter, but this method is very limited by weather conditions, and it does not matter, winter or summer in the yard, and again the thickness of the wallet .

In 2012, the flight hour "MI-8" cost 150 thousand rubles. @ Tourism in Putoransky Reserve

Putorana Reserve is quite large: its area is almost 2 million hectares. Climbers are attracted by the table mountains (plateaus), tourists-reservists - giant tectonic lakes and numerous waterfalls. Walking, water or ski routes, multi-day expeditions or weekend hikes - everything is possible in Putorany!

The reserve was included in the list of World Natural Heritage sites of UNESCO in 2010.

Putorana Plateau
Putorana Lakes and Waterfalls

Lakes occupy 10% of the reserve territory - there are more than 25 thousand of them here! Just think about this figure! At the same time, along with a huge number of small lakes, which is typical for the Subarctic in general, there are about 20 large tectonic ones, such as Ayan lake, for example

All of them are flowing, that is, in fact, rainwater in them - as in clean, and to taste . Also you can see an incredible number of waterfalls, and none will look like others: some are small and lazy, others are giant, noisy, falling from black basalt rocks . On the river Konda is located waterfall height of 108 meters, one of the highest in Russia .. Preparation for trip

It is important to prepare well for a visit to the reserve, even if you only go for a weekend

Visiting the Putorana Plateau without good equipment, adequate weather, dangerous occupation . The climate here is severe . Ice on the lakes comes off in the middle July, and in the beginning of September it appears again . Frosts in April can reach minus 40 ° C . In the summer on average + 12 ° C, but because of constant winds it is uncomfortable . Can suddenly rain, even with snow . The warmest month is July . So prepare carefully: even in summer, take warm clothes, water and wind protection .. Waterfall, Putoransky Reserve

 Putoransky Reserve  Putoransky Reserve
Putoransky Reserve
 Putoransky Reserve Reserve  Putoran Reserve
River, Putoransky Reserve
 Putoransky Reserve  Putoransky Reserve
@ River, Putorana Reserve