Chistopol - the city of the best watchmakers . But not only for hours, flying into space, this city is known in Tatarstan . Once it was a village . The first mention of it in the Russian annals appeared in the late 17th - early 18 century . But historians believe that this is a newly formed settlement . According to the most popular version, the first settlers were fugitive serfs . In the beginning of the 18th century they were evicted and the village was burnt, only a clean field remained . Survivors and who avoided links again began to build their homes and called their homeland in memory of еликом пожарище . The history of Chistopol as a city begins in 1781 when, by decree of Catherine II, the village was given the status of a county town, with its own coat of arms . During the Great Patriotic War this Tatar town became a haven for poets and writers: Boris lived here Pasternak, Leonid Leonov, Anna Akhmatova, Arseny Tarkovsky, Marina Tsvetaeva .

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How to get to Chistopol

Directly to Chistopol from Moscow not to get . We need either to fly or go by train to Kazan, and it's better to Nizhnekamsk . So it's more convenient . And already from Nizhnekamsk by bus (sent every day at noon, time in Tatarstan is Moscow) or a taxi to go to Chistopol . The distance between the cities is 110 km, the taxi will cost at least 1500 rubles . During the navigation period, from May to October, in Chistopol stop cruise ships, including those coming from Moscow . But in this case Chistopol will be just one of the points in your journey . If you are aiming specifically at this city, choose the routes listed above, or go to the autotravel . By car to the Pure Field - 950 km . And you will enter the city by the largest automobile bridge in Russia, 14 km long, and you will be able to appreciate the beauty and grandeur of the Kama River .

For those who love comfort and individuality in traveling there is another way to get to Chistopol - a taxi straight from Moscow. But such a pleasure is not cheap: 21 thousand rubles for the class "comfort" and almost 24 thousand for "business."

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Entertainment, excursions and attractions of Chistopol

In Chistopol, well-groomed narrow streets lined with paving stones, with ornate lanterns and delicate balconies of former merchant houses. This is not a city, but an open-air museum! By the way, in 1990 the city of Chistopol was included in the list of historical inhabited places of the Russian Federation. The temples are adjacent to mosques. The parks are clean and peaceful. You will like to just stroll through this typical Russian provincial town!

Chistopol is included in the list of historical cities of Russia in 1990.

Museum of the county town

If you are traveling around the city by bus, then leave at the stop "Teacher's House" . Here you will find the museum of the county town (ul . Karla Marksa, 8, opening hours: 9: 00-17: 00) . He is already more than 90 years old, was founded by his amateur-orientalist Alexander Bulich in 1921 . The director had his own collection of antiquities, some were preserved and today, for example, the Bulgarian chain mail, which for almost 800 years . you will be told that it was possible to hang it on the wall only three strong male sex workers . In the archive of the museum kept the letters, pages from diaries, photographs, documents known writers who were in Chistopol in the evacuation during the war . The pearl of the collection of the museum staff believe two wooden bicycle . They fashioned peasant Nikolai Melnikov : one in 1902, the second - seven years later . The exposition is in the merchant's mansion - the architectural monument of Tatarstan . Very beautiful building . Remember - the museum does not work on Monday!

The story of Chistopol

Museum Pasternak was in Chistopol Boris Pasternak created the most famous, considered a classic translation of "Romeo and Juliet" . Poet, writer, translator lived here for almost 2 years - from October 41- to June 43rd, on the street Volodarsky (now the Lenin) . And in 1990, in honor of the centenary of the birth of Nobel Prize winner, in this house the first state Pasternak museum was opened in Russia . up the creaky stairs of the mansion on the second floor and you will fall into the world of the poet: here and the furniture saved by the widow Pastern ka, and posters of literary evenings, letters, photographs . Season seen stories of guides - for completeness of sensations . Hours: 9: 00-17: 00 .

Map Chistopol

Nicholas Cathedral The three-table stone Cathedral of St. Nicholas in the name of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker was built in 1838. Money for a holy cause was given to the merchants Polyakov, and the architect was Pyotr Pyatnitsky. The cathedral is the main decoration of the center of Chistopol and really can be called a work of art.

Mosque Nur

Mosques in Chistopol - five: Munir, Iman, Anas, Ikhlas and First Cathedral, she is Nur. Her money was built by her merchant Khasan Yakupov in 1859. In the 70s of the last century the building burned down. On the donations of believers, the wooden mosque was quickly restored. Even in the Soviet years, it remained open to the parishioners and was the most authoritative - after the Kazan "Marjani."

The entrance to the mosque is free for all, donations are welcome. One should only remember a few rules: knees and shoulders should be covered, and girls wear a handkerchief. Leave shoes at the entrance. To drink, eat, talk on the mobile - it is forbidden. Photographing is often possible, but not during prayer.

Melnikov's House

This is one of the business cards of Chistopol. Now the house Melnikova tradesman on the first floor of the art gallery on the second - Children's Library

Tchistopol -. 2020

Dzhuketau is an archaeological site in Chistopol area - Reserve Dzhuketau, in translation from the Tatar - lime mountain. There was such a city in the Golden Horde, it arose in the beginning of the 10th century and lasted until the end of the 14th. The remnants of Bulgar settlements have been preserved, and on the western edge of Chistopol tourists come from all over Russia and abroad

Ayaz İshaki Museum Historical and Memorial and ethnographic complex Ayaz İshaki (Chistopolsky district, with Kutlushkino (Yaushirma);.. Watch work: 8: 00-17: 00 (Saturday 8: 00-13: 00), the day off is Sunday). Gayaz Iskhaki (1878-1954) is an outstanding Tatar prose writer, playwright, publicist. The museum was opened in the writer's homeland in the house where his sister Iskhaki lived.

Prices are indicated in March 2013. Photo of Chistopol (11)