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Elgygytgyn - a romantic lake with a cosmic past and unpronounceable name, lost somewhere in the Chukchi steppes, is considered the most mysterious and promising attraction of the peninsula. The crater reservoir in Chukotka has been studied for several years by flocks of scientists from the United States, Japan and other countries of the world, and still can not unravel the mystery of this place. And all because of its origin.

Located on the Anadyr plateau, about 390 km to the northwest of Anadyr and 200 km from Bilibino and Pevek, Lake Elgygytgyn is not so large: its diameter barely reaches 12 km, but the depth in the central part is impressive 175 m . The age at the reservoir is venerable - it was formed about 3, 6 million years ago . But the reason for which the almost ideal lake circle was born still remains unknown . Some scientists claim that Elgygytgyn spilled into the crater formerly th volcano . In the 70 years of the 20th century there were apologists of another theory claiming that the lake is located on the site of the fallen meteorite . Neither the version from space nor the version of the formation of the lake "from under the ground" has yet confirmed that only adds interest to this beautiful place . In any case, its age and nature are unique .

Most of the year the lake is covered with ice (which sometimes does not melt even in summer), and the coasts - with permafrost, although the depths of Elgygytgyn never do not freeze to the end.
Elgygytgyn - a romantic lake with a cosmic roshlym and unpronounceable name, lost somewhere in the steppes of Chukotka, is considered the most mysterious and promising attraction Peninsula

course swim here does not work, though very desirable -. before the beautiful natural surroundings and clean low, sand-and-pebble beach. The main advantage of Elgygytgyn is the richness of flora and fauna around. Here live dodgy foxes, noble moose with sweeping horns, wild deer, magnificent blue foxes, powerful bears and rare black squirrels.

Sometimes, not every year, but by the lake huge herds of deer swarm up to 130-170 thousand heads . The spectacle, in its greatness and beauty, can not be described.

Directly in the lake life is satisfied with scanty, but no less unique - it is inhabited by a long palisade Svetovidova (Salvethymus svetovidovi), which does not occur outside this lake, and also two kinds of loaches.


Coordinates: Chukchi Peninsula, Anadyr Plateau, Lake Elgygytgyn. How to get there: by plane to Bilibino or Pevek (check the information about the passes, Pevek is a border point), then on cross-country vehicles, on foot or rafting on Enmyvaam-Anadyr.