If you think that Yb is a random set of letters, you are deeply mistaken. This is the name of one of the most curious places in our vast homeland, which is located in the Syktyvdinsky District of the Komi Republic.

They say that in Russia this village is the oldest inhabited place, whose name begins with the letters "Y". What a sin to conceal, he has few competitors. For the first time, the village of Yb was mentioned in documents in 1586. From the Komi language this word is translated as "sublimity". It is no accident, of course, because the village is on seven hills

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How to get here

The village of Yb is located 55 kilometers from the capital of the Republic of Komi - Syktyvkar. From Syktyvkar you can get to Yb village by car or bus.

Life of spirits

Despite the modesty of its name, the village of Yb has so far absorbed no fewer than 13 villages. Among them, Kargort is especially worth mentioning, which means "settlement near the settlement."

The place is notorious, and therefore invariably attracts crowds of tourists. The thing is that Kargort was founded near the legendary Chudskoy mass grave. It appeared here as a result of the raids of nomadic Huns. It is at this time that the famous Shoynoy Rog burial ground is included, which is one of the attractions of the village of Yb.

This place is also called Karmylk, which means "hillfort on the hill". Those who are lucky enough to be near Karmylka at midnight, do not envy!

They say that terrible groans and screams can be heard here, and cars and lights go off next to the graves
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Stefan Permsky and village Ыб

But not spirits alone glorious village Ыб. For several centuries it was the spiritual center of the Komi people. For the first time, Orthodoxy on the Ybi Hills was heard in the 14th century. With a charity mission to the people of Komi was the Orthodox monk Stefan, who later will go down in history as Stefan of Perm.

The people of the Komi, who then professed paganism, immediately disliked Stefan. And no wonder, because he mercilessly eradicated their shrines and even cut down the sacred tree. But still Orthodoxy has taken root in the local places, and in the village there is even a chapel of Stefan Permsky.

Village Yb

Ascension Church

The most important temple in the village of Yb was and remains the Ascension Church. It is still the architectural dominant of the village. It was built in the middle of the 19th century. In 1877, the bell was miraculously installed a bell - its dimensions were at that time truly gigantic. In the years of Soviet power, the bell disappeared without a trace. It is said that it was drowned in the Sysola River and still lies there.

At the Ascension Church you will also find an old larch, which has been standing here since 1825, the year the church was built. The coverage of its powerful trunk is 2, 7 meters

Holy sources

In general, in pre-revolutionary years in each village, which are now part of the village of Yb, you could find a church and a holy spring . And in each village the composition and the taste of the water was different . Today, springs are bred and opened to visit 10 springs, near the most popular bathing facilities are located . Believers are treated with water from holy sources of illness, in particular, skin and eye . The healing source is, for example, the source of the Twelve Apostles and the source of the Transfiguration of the Lord . In the source of Saint Archangel Michael can also be treated with blue clay .

Also the village of Yb is famous for its Mozhzhevelov lake. People come here to cure such common diseases as asthma and tuberculosis On the bank of the Sysola River there is a deposit of healing blue clay

Kargortsky Jurassic Park

Also on the coast there is a protected natural landscape "Kargortsky". In the people it is called "Kargortsky Jurassic Park". After all, here are the most northern places where the remains of Jurassic chimeras, as well as plesiosaurs and ichthyosaurs, lived on the Earth about 250 million years ago.

They say that in Russia this village is the oldest inhabited place, whose name begins with the letters " Y ". It's a bit of a sin to have competitors, he has few competitors

Yb today and in the future

You can not only get closer to nature in the provinces, but also learn more about small peoples living in Russia. The village of Yb gladly opens the doors to the hospitable world of the Finno-Ugric people, to which the Komi people belong.

There is a Historical Ethnographic Museum on the territory of the village, opened in 1986. Here are collected traditional objects of Komi people's life (about 1000 exhibits). But the Finno-Ugric life is not left in the past, it is confidently moving into the future. And the proof of that is the building of a modern ethnopark, within which a complex of wooden architecture under the open sky is being built. The first stage of the park was opened in the summer of 2011.

Ethnopark is rapidly gaining popularity. Of course, after all, no one will be bored in its territory! This is an ideal place for family holidays, for a romantic trip together, and for a noisy company. Judge for yourself:

  • Every day there are cognitive excursions, every month they are dedicated to one of the Finno-Ugric peoples. There are permanent exhibitions, also various thematic events are held every month.
  • Those who like can visit the rope town, in winter all the favorite winter fun: skates, skis, tubing. Also you can take a ride on ATVs.
  • There is a café on the territory of the ethno park, where you can try national dishes of various Finno-Ugric peoples. For guests from a distance a comfortable hotel is working.
  • In the summer, the ethnofestival "Ybica" is held in the park, and in the winter - "Winter Ybitsa".