Yugyd Va is a unique national park-reserve located on the territory of the Republic of Komi. Its peculiarity is that it is the largest protected natural area in Russia. And what can be interesting for this geographical object to a tourist?

In the Komi language, "Yugyd va" means "pure water".


The park's design began in the early 90's, although the idea of ​​creating a unique in its scale reserve has firmly established itself in the minds of the country's leadership since the 70's. The work was the huge size object, the importance of which in a few years has been recognized at the global level: in 1995, UNESCO has carried Yugyd Va to the world cultural heritage

Park Feature The main feature of the park is preserved in its pristine live within. and inanimate nature. Due to the large difference in altitude, it is possible to see a unique neighborhood of the flora, for example, alpine meadows are bordered on the north-western taiga. The fauna is also diverse: it is inhabited by rare mammals, and fish and birds included in the red book. However, lovers of fishing and hunting will be important to know that fishing in the park is prohibited.

Non-living nature is represented by mountains and plains, rugged rivers and picturesque waterfalls. By the way, the water in the local rivers is so clean and transparent that the bottom can be seen at a depth of up to 8 m.


The park is in the zone of the Subpolar Urals, so the climate here is sharply continental, subarctic. Summer is short and cool, but winter is long cold. Precipitation is very high, as a rule, they do not even have time to evaporate, and the snow cover can be kept up to 210 days a year with a meter height.

In January, the average temperature is around -20 ° C, in July - +16 ° C


The territory of the park contains many artifacts of ancient indigenous cultures. These are places for sacrifices, which, incidentally, are used in direct designation so far, and elements of household utensils. There are also objects of later origin, for example, the prayer houses of the Old Believers, who fled from the reforms of Patriarch Nikon. In the hollow of the old tree or in a remote cave one can still find hand-written sacred books that the Old Believers hid from their pursuers

Yugyd Va National Park

Tours to Yugyd Va

A variety of sightseeing tours will help to look at Yugyd Va with the desired side. The ethnographic trip includes acquaintance and communication with the indigenous population of this part of the Urals - reindeer herders, reindeer riding, a walk along the tundra, visiting lakes and climbing mountains. Mountain trekking is suitable for fans to conquer the peaks. Tourists will be able to climb such famous mountains as Manaraga and Mount Narodnaya, of course, accompanied by experienced instructors; there are halts for rest and eating.

Visit Yugyd Va alone is not so easy, you need to send a request to the administration of the National Park, within 10 days you will be issued a permit. More information on the official portal of the park: www.yugydva.komi.com. But still it is better to turn to professionals and go to a fascinating approach, even a water, although on foot, during which you will show the best places of this fertile land.

Tourist centers

There are several recreation centers on the territory of the reserve, where you can stop. Some of them are difficult to access. For example, the base "Ozernaya", although located in the center of the park, but you can get to it only by helicopter. Here tourists can enjoy equestrian, ski and water tourism, as well as hunting tours. You can arrive in this region by train to the city of Inta, where you need to order a transfer before landing in an all-terrain vehicle or helicopter.

The management of the park is located in Vuktil, the branches work in Pechora and Inta. To get to the park can also be out of the cities Vuktyl, Pechora, towns Synya, Aranets, Kosyu, Kozhim-mine Kozhim, Priuralsky and several other

On the territory Yugyd Ba is only one settlement -. Podcherye village where a bus goes by Vuktila.
 The endless expanses, Yugyd Ba Ba Yugyd Russian  Yugyd Yugyd Ba Ba Ba
Yugyd Endless expanses, Yugyd Va
 Snow-covered mountains, Yugyd Ba, Russia  Югыд Ва
Snow-covered mountains, Yugyd Va
 River, Yugyd Va, Russia  Yugyd Va
Yugyd Ba River, Va Yugyd
 Flora, Yugyd Ba Ba Yugyd Russian  Yugyd Yugyd Ba Ba Ba
Yugyd Flora, Yugyd Va
 Югыд Ва, Russia  Югыд Ва
Югыд Ва