The Republic of Bashkortostan is located in the southern part of the Ural Mountains, on the border of Europe and Asia. The republic was named after the indigenous people of Bashkir (Bashkort), which, in turn, was formed from two words "bash" and "court", which means "the main bee".

The territory of the republic is located in the basins of the Volga, Ural and Ob rivers. The capital of Bashkortostan is the city of Ufa with a population of more than one million people.
Large cities: Sterlitamak, Salavat, Neftekamsk, Oktyabrsky, Beloretsk.
Local time is 2 hours ahead of Moscow time.

Republic of Bashkortostan
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A bit of history

Bashkirs - the ancient people of Eurasia, formed as an independent ethnos in the Southern Urals in the first half of 1 thousand .up to n .e .The basis of the Bashkir ethnos was the union of seven tribes .At 10 am .among the Bashkirs spread Islam, which later became the dominant religion .For many centuries, the Bashkirs belonged to large state entities such as the Bulgarian Khanate, the Golden Horde, the Kazan Khanate, which made it difficult to preserve the national identity .In the middle of the 16th century the Bashkirs concluded an agreement with the government of Ivan the Terrible and became part of the Russian state .Soon the conditions of accession by the tsarist authorities began to be violated, which caused a number of uprisings .At the end of the 18th century the Bashkirs took an active part in the Peasants' War under the leadership of Emelian Pugachev .At the turn of the 17th and 18th centuries, attempts were made to Christianize Bashkirs .Despite all the difficulties, the Bashkirs managed to form their culture, traditions and preserve the national features .

National anthem of the Republic of Bashkortostan

Bashkortostan today

Today the Republic of Bashkortostan is a part of the Russian Federation, being at the same time a sovereign state with its president, the Constitution and the legislative body of state power (the State Assembly - the Kurultai of the Republic of Bashkortostan).

In 2007, Bashkiria celebrated the 450th anniversary of its accession to Russia .Celebrated on a grand scale, especially noticeably prettier to the significant date of Ufa: in the capital were restored and built 40 objects, among them the luxurious congress hall "House of Friendship of Peoples", an international airport, racecourse and ice palace .Residents of Bashkortostan feel themselves Russians and intend to continue to live with Russia in peace and harmony, but at the same time, of course, are proud of their national history and cultural traditions and are happy to demonstrate the original features of the guests .

Arriving in the Republic of Bashkortostan for the first time a visitor it may seem that the monopoly on food trade here belongs to the trade network with the mysterious name "Azik tulek", because such a tablet is above all the shops. The explanation for this is later: all the names in Bashkiria are written in two languages ​​- Bashkir and Russian, and the language of the tulek is translated - products.
Bashkir national dance
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Weather in Bashkortostan

The climate in the republic is continental, with a humid, warm summer and a moderately harsh winter. The average temperature in January is -18 ° C, July is +18 ° C.

National cuisine of the Republic of Bashkortostan

Bashkir cuisine is distinguished by an abundance of meat in almost all hot dishes .Often it is possible to meet variations of the pie with stuffing from meat and potatoes .Festive dishes - balsh, bishbarmak, chicken broth with especially thin and friable noodles (tukmas) .Pork in the diet of Bashkir is not often met, it is due to the Muslim tradition that the pig considers an unclean animal and does not allow the consumption of pork meat for food .Popular are boiled beef, lamb, dried and dried horse meat; baking from dough; dairy products - kurut, sour cream; sweets - chak-chak, honey; koumiss - national drink obtained from mare's milk .Bashkir tea is drunk a lot and necessarily with milk .It is especially tasty, if it is cooked by tradition, when milk is first poured into the cup, and then brewed tea .

Bashkir tea is drunk a lot and necessarily with milk.
Bashkortostan has long been famous for its honey, it's not for nothing that they were charged with the Bashkir land tax. Nowadays the glory of Bashkir honey has spread far beyond the boundaries of the republic - it is supplied to Europe, the USA, Japan. It is worth noting that the use of the phrase "Bashkir honey" for labeling its products can only be the Bashkir Scientific Research Center for Beekeeping and Apitherapy, it's a patented brand.

Sights of the Republic of Bashkortostan

The Bashkiria National Park is located on the western ridges of the Southern Urals in the interfluve of the Nugush and Belaya rivers, on the ridges of Yamantau, Kibiz, Utyamysh, Bash-Alatau (average height of the mountains is 500-700 m), as well as adjoining territories .Total area - 82, 3 thousand .ha, the territory is divided into several zones, in order to visit specially protected areas, the written permission of the administration is required .For a stay in the park is taken from 40 rubles .per person per day .For tourists, there are hiking ecological routes, water skiing, short horse riding and horse riding tours lasting several days .The natural beauty of the park will not leave anyone indifferent: while walking along the Nugush reservoir you can admire the view of the picturesque cliffs climbing the mountain - look around the endless forests, visit caves, visit the foot of waterfalls or simply breathe clean air and enjoy a variety of the richest flora and fauna of the park .

In the Bashkir Reserve, there are about 700 plant species, more than 50 mammal species and more than 150 species of birds.

About 700 species of plants grow in the Bashkir Reserve, located in the Burzyan region of the republic, more than 50 species of mammals and more than 150 species of birds live. On the territory of the reserve there are 2 ecological hiking trails, the path of which will take no more than an hour and a half. For lovers of long walks there are routes along the borders of the reserve.

Ecotourism in Bashkortostan

The Shulgan-Tash Reserve, located in the western foothills of the Southern Urals, has a federal status of .Its main attraction is Shulgan-Tash Cave, also known as Kapova .The reserve and wild honey are also noteworthy .After all, it was in the Burzyan region, on the territory of the Shulgan-Tash and Altyn-Solok wildlife preserves, that the traditional occupation of the Bashkirs has been preserved since ancient times .Today Bashkortostan is the only place in Europe where the collection of wild honey continues, and the bee-farmer bee is a unique bee population that has been preserved unchanged since ancient times - a real treasure of the republic, which even became an unofficial symbol of the anniversary of the unity of Bashkiria and Russia .

Bashkortostan and the South Urals are rich and other natural attractions, as well as small colorful villages, for example, the village of Kaga, which is in the Beloretsk region.

Map of the Republic of Bashkortostan

Abzakovo Ski Resort

Abzakovo is located almost at the border with the Chelyabinsk region. The popularity of the resort grew dramatically after visiting him in 2000 by then-Russian President Vladimir V. Putin. The cableway works here in the summer, so everyone can climb up to the tops of the Ural Mountains after spending half an hour admiring the surroundings and not getting tired of it, everyone can.

Author - Gulshat Zakirova Photo of the Republic of Bashkortostan (162)