Tourist frame for Vyatka Pearl
Anna Sannikova winner of the "Excellent Journey" competition
The small town of Vyatskie Polyany, which is located in the south of the Kirov region, is called "Vyatka pearl" ". Tourists here are very rare. And in vain! The town is light, clean, drowning in greenery. In it you can relax from the hustle and bustle of the metropolis, drink mineral water in the sanatorium and enjoy the art of wooden architecture - the church of the 18th century, brought to the city from the nearby village of Sushi for safety.

The city still has a mosque, a convent and a cathedral - Nikolsky. Its domes are visible from the opposite bank of Vyatka. The right bank, on which stands the cathedral and the "Vyatka pearl" glitters, is very high. From it you can see a panoramic view of the river, which asks for a shot. Last year, almost finished building the embankment - it remains only to put asphalt. Residents of the city like to spend time on the banks of Vyatka. And in the spring there it is especially crowded - all necessarily come to look at the ice drift. Tradition! Several years ago, ferries and small boats that were called "galoshes" strolled along Vyatka. Now they were replaced by motor boat-taxi and automobile bridge that connected five regions

 Vyatskie Polyany old part of the city  Tourist frame for
Old part of the city
 Vyatskie Polyany Nikolsky Cathedral  Tourist frame for
Nikolsky Cathedral

The whole town can be walked around an hour and a half. There are no special sights, although the history of the settlement is more than 400 years old. The Vyatskiye Polyany status is only 71 years old. The "historical" part of the city is located near the St. Nicholas Cathedral. There are several "merchant" two-story mansions, in which various institutions are located. Here on the banks of Vyatka you can visit the house museum of G. Shpagin, the designer of automatic weapons. He lived during the Great Patriotic War in the city.

What else can you do in the Vyatskiye Polyany? Do shopping! Yes Yes! There are practically no enterprises left in the city . The oil processing plant, the meat-packing plant, the bread-baking plant are gone . On the verge of bankruptcy is the city-forming machine-building plant, thanks to which the Vyatskiye Polyany and got the status of the city in 1942 . But the city flourishes commercially - small shops and shopping centers open every year . Local people say that residents of the Russian capital are willing to come to the city for cheap but high-quality furs, and also to treat ... teeth . Professionals in the city are high, and prices are pleasantly low .

There are a couple of decent hotels in the city, as many restaurants and cafes. You can be sheltered and sanatorium-preventorium, where at the same time you can improve your health. It is located in the city, but just across the road the forest park is already starting. Walking along the path among birches and apple trees is a wonderful active meditation! And among the services offered to me the most interesting was aqua aerobics. It is useful for the spine and the removal of pleasant fatigue after hiking along the Vyatka outback.