• In Serbia there will be an electronic music festival
    28 Jan 2015
  • More than 3 thousand Grandfathers of Frost and Snow Maiden will run through the center of Belgrade
    23 Dec 2014
  • Rakia Festival will be held in Belgrade
    10 December 2014
  • Monument Nicholas II opened in Belgrade
    20 Nov 2014
  • Monument to Russian and Serbian soldiers opened in Belgrade
    September 19, 2014
  • Controllers in Belgrade give out chocolates to passengers
    September 18, 2014
  • In Belgrade there is a fish festival
    5 September 2014
  • In Belgrade there were daily travel tickets
    September 2, 2014
  • In Belgrade there will be a monument to Tsar Nicholas II
    29 Aug. 2014
  • By the streets of Belgra and you can walk without leaving your computer
    31 Jul 2014
  • Royal Palace of Belgrade will be available for tourists 4 Apr 2014
  • Crowne Plaza opens in Belgrade @ Feb 5 Feb. 2014
  • Air Serbia has made an inaugural flight 31 Oct 2013
  • The holders of the discount card of Belgrade will receive additional privileges Oct 30 2013