Fabulous Seychelles perfectly suits the definition of paradise, not only in the sense of "open" landscapes and the abundance of exclusive hotels with all conceivable services . The weather in Seychelles is exactly what it should be in the Garden of Eden: constant and comfortable air temperature +27 . +30 ° C, almost identical temperature of the turquoise ocean surface - +26 . +29 ° C, cloudless sky and brightly shining sun absolute majority of days in a year . Seychelles - real wand- travel agents and wishing to rest in blessed th warmth of tourists: here one can safely go to any of the 365 days of the year, without fearing that the vagaries of nature will be spoiled by the vacation severely dislodged from the authorities .

Seychelles in winter

December, January and February - the period of the conditional warm season on Seychelles. In these months, the north-western monsoons predominate, bringing not only high (by local standards) air temperature, but also rains: January in the Seychelles is the rainiest month. Recall that in the north-west of Seychelles is Africa, so that the air masses are saturated with the heat of the Black Continent. Rains - in the form of strong and frequent but quickly ending rainstorms, after which the sun again peeps out.

Seychelles in the spring

March, April and May in the Seychelles - continuation of a warm wet season. Although the air is still hot, there is less rain here - in May the winds change direction to the southeast, and the season "turns" for the winter. In March and April, the skies are still pierced by deafening downpours, but in May, when you walk along the beaches that go beyond the horizon, you already can not take an umbrella with you. Generally, May is an ideal month for a holiday in the Seychelles: the ocean is perfectly calm, the winds are not strong, and the air is pleasantly warm.

Seychelles in the summer

Summer (according to the Russian "account") months in the Seychelles - the height of the conditionally "cold "And dry season . In June, July and August, the level of air humidity is noticeably lower, and the southeast cool monsoons prevail . Rest in Seychelles in summer is ideal for those who do not like heat: the average air temperature in this period is about +26 ° C . However, for lovers to take a nap, spread out on the watery surface, is threatened with disappointment - the ocean is often troubled . But there is no rain in July and August at all, so no annoying clouds threaten your tan .

Seychelles in autumn

Autumn in Seychelles - a transition time between dry "cold" and wet "hot" season . In September, after the summer calm, rains resume - however, rainy days in the month can still be counted on the fingers . In October the winter season ends - and until the summer north comes into its own rights -Pass monsoon, you can swim in the calm ocean anee, explore the surroundings for almost completely windless weather and enjoy the pleasant warmth in the air . November - the beginning of the wet season: abundant downpours and air temperatures around +30 ° C mark the arrival of the Seychelles summer . The ocean is slowly beginning to show its stormy character: although the water temperature at this time is +29 ° C, the element periodically awards bathing water "slaps" .