To read 2 feedbacks about the Casa Batllo
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One of the most famous mansions, on the architectural plan of which flaunts the signature of the great Gaudi, the Casa Batllo is located on the avenue Passage de Gràcia, in the heart of the Eixample district .Everything in this building is amazing: the "dancing" facade, decorated with colorful sprays of ceramic mosaic, balconies reminiscent of simultaneously taking on the helmets of medieval knights and whalebone, the multicolored roof tiles, in the outlines of which you can guess the curved strange dragon, "brand" chimneys and stained glass windows .When you look at the house of Batllo from the street, it seems that the building lives, breathes and closely follows the movements of its guests .

The interior of the mansion is no less remarkable - here you can see the chandelier-sun, as if emerging from the abyss of the ceiling, stair railing and furniture made of soft wood, the ceramic facing of the cozy color of faded blue and the mass of stained glass inserts glowing with the color of jam from gooseberry.

Going to the house of the Batlló is better to open, after the queue reach a critical length.
Casa Batllo

Address: Passeig de Gracia, 43, the nearest metro station is Passeig de Gracia. Opening hours: 9:00 - 21:00. Ticket price: 17, 80 EUR for adults and 14, 25 EUR for children and pensioners.

Unusual house of Batlló, Barcelona Casa Batllo
The roof of the Casa Batlló, Barcelona Casa Batllo
Inside the Casa Batlló, Barcelona Casa Batllo
View from the balcony, Casa Batlló, Barcelona Casa Batllo

Reviews about the Casa Batlló (2)

Evaluation 10

Frenzy of fantasy September 11, 2013

Polar Star
was here in October 2012
Casa Batlló is located in the heart of Barcelona, ​​on Paceiaç de Gracia, and no tourist at all desire can not pass by without noticing. A humpbacked roof, similar to the dragon's ridge, a mosaic facade, changing its color depending on the lighting, balconies resembling faces of big-eyed flies - all this makes an indelible impression on the tourist. I was in Barcelona in October, the afternoon turn to the house of the Batllo stretched for a hundred meters, and in the evening, for an hour and a half before closing, you could walk for 10 minutes.
House ... Read the whole review
Casa Batllo Casa Batllo Casa Batllo
Evaluation 9

The first miracle of Gaudi August 07, 2013

was here in August 2012
I consider this house the first in beauty, to which the great Gaudi put his hand. He does not look like something in our world. Most likely it looks like a fairy house of some fairy. All of its architecture is mosaics, carved small details, bizarre forms of balconies and windows, everything is sustained in turquoise-blue shades.
There are always crowds of tourists here, so a big problem is photographed. The queue inside is moving fast enough, you can go in 20 minutes. The price of the entrance is a bit too big - about ... Read the whole review
Casa Batllo Casa Batllo Casa Batllo Casa Batllo