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The history of Granada is full of glorious pages: first the Moors dominated here, after them came the Reconquista Spaniards, in a word, the quiet life of the city and the local population can not be called. But at the end of the 15th century, having once again got to the new rulers, the Spaniards, Granada acquired its own pompous Cathedral. Which was built, which is not surprising for those times, on the site of the mosque.

Initially, two of the magnificent 80-meter towers were planned to be attached to the already magnificent building. We managed only one, and even lower and more modest.

However, they have not regretted the internal decoration of the funds, it fully corresponds to the status of the main cathedral of Granada. The interior is an exquisite vaults, white carved columns surrounded by wall paintings of famous artists; all this is abundantly gilded.

To the cathedral adjoins the Royal Chapel, perhaps the largest tomb in Spain. Today the remains of Isabella of Castile and Ferdinand of Aragon are deservedly buried here. Why deservedly? If the first was the patron and sponsor of Columbus in his travels, the second became famous for having won Granada from the Moors.

The Cathedral of Granada
Tickets to the cathedral and chapel are sold separately. Keep in mind that the cathedral is functioning, so it is necessary to behave appropriately, but with a certain amount of luck you can get to the mass (which is said to be no different from the services of five hundred years ago).


Address: Gran Via de Colon, 5

Opening hours: Mon-Sat: 10.45-13.30, 16.00-20.00 / Sun: 16.00-20.00 (March-August), Mon-Sat: 10.45-13.30, 16.00-19.00, Sun: 16.00-19.00 (September-February)

Entrance - 4 EUR (cathedral), 3.5 euros - royal chapel.

The Cathedral of Granada The Cathedral of Granada
The Cathedral of Granada
Cathedral of Granada at night The Cathedral of Granada
Cathedral of Granada at night
Interior of the Cathedral of Granada The Cathedral of Granada
Interior of the Cathedral of Granada
Entrance to the Cathedral of Granada The Cathedral of Granada
Entrance to the Cathedral of Granada
The organ of the Cathedral of Granada The Cathedral of Granada
The organ of the Cathedral of Granada