Castile-La Mancha - a region in the heart of Spain, which the Spanish are so proud of themselves and do not cease to admire tourists from all over the world. This is the edge of a harsh and, at first sight, unsightly nature, an original culture in which the traditions of the three religions (Christianity, Islam and Judaism), unrivaled architecture and magnificent cuisine are closely intertwined.

Through the expanses of Castile-La Mancha, the glorious knight of the sad image made his legendary journey - Don Quixote of La Mancha.
Castile-La Mancha
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It should be borne in mind that the summer is very hot here, the air temperature seldom drops below + 30 ° C, in winter the real colds with frosts reach -20 ° C.


To inspect all the most interesting corners of the region, it is desirable to rent a car, but quite easily and quickly you can move by means of railways that connect almost all the cities of Castile-La Mancha with each other.

Entertainment, excursions and attractions of Castile - La Mancha

Here everyone will find exactly what he likes .Fans of outdoor activities in nature will certainly like the endless nature parks and nature reserves .There you will find sunbaked plains and marshy meadows along winding rivers, on which hundreds of species of birds nest, in particular their rare species - a black stork, lakes interconnected by ducts, as well as proud mountains and karst valleys that resemble the ruins of the most ancient of miraculous cities .In total, there are two national and six natural parks in the region, as well as two nature reserves .

Well, those who travel to get acquainted with the history and architecture of other countries, will forever be captivated by the cultural wealth of Castile - La Mancha. Here the Romans built cities with an ideal layout and perfect engineering facilities, the Muslims introduced a special oriental flavor into the architecture of the region, built luxurious mosques and pompous palaces, and the Spaniards breathed life into them, subordinating everything to their irrepressible temperament.

Ciudad Real

Castile-La Mancha for a long time was the site of real religious wars, which could not but affect the architectural appearance of the local cities .Almost in each of them there are fortifications, in particular the historical center of Ciudad Real is surrounded by four kilometers of thick walls and has one hundred and thirty sentinel towers .In addition, there is a museum dedicated to the life of the legendary Spanish literary hero Don Quixote, located in an old mansion, in the basement of which there is a real printing house of the 16th century .

5 things to do in Castile - La Mancha
  1. Recalculate the watch towers on the walls surrounding the historic center of Ciudad Real.
  2. Ibid, in Ciudad Real, to learn the details of the fascinating life of Don Quixote in the museum dedicated to him.
  3. Visit a lady at the heart of the famous knight in the town of El Tobos.
  4. To see the frescoes of Goya, Rubens, El Greco in Toledo.
  5. Wander through Toledo, surrounded by crowds of tourists - the route is very popular.

El Tobos

In general, with the name "Knight of a sad image," Castilla-La Mancha is very much connected, because it was in the vastness of this region that the legendary character of Cervantes made his legendary journey. Today, you can even go on a tour "following the footsteps of Don Quixote", the starting point is the city of El Tobos, today there is a house where Anna Martinez Sarco lived more than four centuries ago - the prototype of the protagonist of the work, the atmosphere and atmosphere in it are recreated from accuracy to the smallest detail.

Having visited a lady at the heart, walk through the ancient streets of this one of the most beautiful Spanish cities. And then go to the tiny town of Campo de Criptana, it is in its vicinity on a low hill there are ten windmills, with which the legendary knight was so eager to fight.

By the way, several of these mills have survived since the times described in the novel, today they are turned into a museum, and in one there is even a tourist bureau.


But, probably, the main city, which is worth visiting, while in Castile-La Mancha, - this is Toledo. This is a real city-museum, each building in which - a unique exhibit, telling of the unique history of this region, which once apart from the Spaniards inhabited by Arabs and Jews. Here is the old residence of the Spanish kings - castle-fortress Alcazar, and in the main city church there are frescos belonging to the brush of Goya, Velasquez, Rubens, Greco and many other world-famous artists.

Toledo will surprise you with a huge number of Orthodox cathedrals and Muslim mosques, harmoniously complementing each other, as well as in the city you can see the ancient Roman aqueduct and a well-preserved amphitheater.

Attractions Toledo


Guadalajara can also impress you with its aqueduct, which simultaneously serves as a bridge. There is a tall castle standing on a hill and surrounded by impregnable walls, but the main decoration of the city is the beautiful Palace of Infantado, behind the graceful and magnificently decorated facade of which lies an even richer interior decoration.


And in the city of Alabaseta is worth a peep to take a walk through one of the most beautiful parks in the country. Here, in the shade of the avenues, the noise of fountains is heard, and the green lawns are continually alternating with ancient ponds surrounded by wonderful garden sculptures. Photos of Castile-La Mancha (60)