Cordoba (it's Cordoba) - a beautiful quiet city, where there are very few tourists. But the reasons to visit him, just three: art, history and gastronomy. In addition, according to a number of eyewitnesses, the women in this city are the most beautiful in all of Andalusia.

There are at least three reasons for visiting Córdoba: art, history and gastronomy.
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  • 1 How to call
  • 2 How to get here
    • 2.1 Search for tickets to Barcelona (the nearest airport to Cordoba)
  • 3 The climate of Cordoba
  • 4 Kitchen and restaurants
  • 5 Entertainment, excursions and attractions in Cordoba
  • 6 The Cathedral Mosque
  • 7 Medina Al-Sahara
  • 8 The Roman Bridge
  • 9 Jewish Quarter
  • 10 Palace of Alcázar
  • eleven Other attractions
    • 11.1 Sightseeing Andalucia

How to call

8-10-34-957-telephone number

How to get here

From the airport to the city center can be reached by bus or taxi in about half an hour. Direct flights from Russia to Cordoba do not fly, you need to get to Barcelona or Madrid by train, and then an internal flight to the airport of Cordoba. In addition, the city can be reached by train (which is faster and more convenient) or by bus (slower and, accordingly, not so convenient).

From the train station of Cordoba, there are also trains to Seville, Granada, Malaga and other major cities of Andalusia.

Search for tickets to Barcelona (the nearest airport to Cordoba)

The climate of Cordoba

Cordova March 1, Sunday
+19 ° C in the afternoon
+9 ° C at night
° С water
Cordova 2 March, Monday
+23 ° C in the afternoon
+8 ° C at night
° С water
Cordova March 3, Tuesday
+24 ° C in the afternoon
+10 ° C at night
° С water
10 days weather forecast for Cordoba
Average monthly temperature, ° C
Jan Feb Mar Apr MayJun Jul Aug sen Oct but IDec
in the afternoon +15 +17 +20 +24 +27 +32 +36 +36 +32 +26 +20 +16
at night+6 +7 +9 +11 +13 +17 +20 +20 +18 +14 +10 +7

The climate in Cordoba is Mediterranean continental, with a very hot summer, when the temperature rises to +40 ° C. The best time to visit here is spring and autumn.

Kitchen and restaurants

The cuisine of Cordoba is typically Mediterranean, olive oil and vegetables play a leading role in it. Local wineries are known for their brands "Amontillado" and "Oloroso" with a delightful bouquet.

Entertainment, excursions and attractions in Cordoba

Cordova, like many other Spanish cities, combines in its architectural masterpieces, at least three cultural layers .Christianity, Judaism and Islam left an indelible imprint, changing the face of the city in accordance with the religious beliefs of the rulers .However, it is in Córdoba that the strongest influence of the Arab influence is .The main attractions are what is left of the time when today's administrative center of the Spanish province of the same name was the capital of the famous Cordoba Caliphate, which included almost the entire Iberian Peninsula .

The Cordoba Caliphate is a medieval Islamic state (929-1031), located on the territory of modern Spain and Portugal.

Map of Cordoba

The Cathedral Mosque

The first in the list of unique Muslim monuments is the Cathedral Mosque, or Mesquita .It is considered not only one of the most important buildings in the whole of Andalusia, but also one of the twelve architectural wonders of Spain .Originally on this site was an ancient Roman temple, later rebuilt in the Visigothic church .The mosque was erected in 785 and was subsequently rebuilt several times .The greatest magnificence of the building was found during the reign of the Cordoba caliphs and in the Middle Ages it was considered the second largest mosque in the world .Subsequently, Mesquita received the status of St. Mary's Cathedral .

The mosque is notable for its interior decoration. The imagination of the Hall of thousands of columns in a typical Arabic style, with thin rays piercing the air, which illuminate, like a mosaic, this or that tile of the hall. Outside, a charming orange garden adjoins the mosque - a pleasant place to rest after visiting Mesquita in the shade of fragrant trees.

In general, Cordoba is a beautiful quiet city, where tourists are very few.

Medina Al-Sahara

Another, no less outstanding ancient Arab monument is the palace town of Medina Al-Sahara, eight kilometers from Cordoba .It was erected in the 10th century by the Umayyad dynasty caliph as a gift to the beloved concubine and the location of the government offices .The buildings included in the complex were designed to demonstrate the power and strength of the ruler, further strengthening his power .However, the residence did not last long, about 70 years .After the Berbers attack, the palace city fell into disrepair .Up to the present day excavations have been conducted on the territory of the Medina, and, like the ancient riches of the Roman Forum, the treasures of the Cordoba Caliphate seem inexhaustible .

5 things to do in Cordoba
  1. Do not miss visiting Mesquita.
  2. Do not be lazy and go to Medina.
  3. Do not miss the chance to see the ancient Jewish Quarter.
  4. Do not forget to visit the Archaeological Museum.
  5. Do not regret the time spent on the Alcázar.

The Roman Bridge

Two other noteworthy Muslim sites are the Khalifa baths, created in the 10th century, and the Calahorra tower on the Roman bridge, which protects Cordoba from the south.

The Roman bridge was built during the time of the Holy Roman Empire under the emperor Octavian Augustus. He was the only link through the river Guadalquivir for many centuries. The bridge was rebuilt several times, only the foundation remained unchanged. If you take the tower of Calahorra as the reference point, then in the area located at the other end of the bridge is the famous Mesquite.

Jewish Quarter

As already mentioned earlier, traces of several cultures have survived in Cordoba. The Jewish Quarter is the most important Spanish settlement in which Jews lived for five centuries. The synagogue, which reached the present time, is the main one in Spain. It was repeatedly restored, which significantly changed the original appearance. The synagogue was built in the beginning of the 14th century near the Cathedral Mosque, but after the expulsion of those who refused to accept Catholicism Jews from Spain were not used for their intended purpose.

Beautiful and mysterious Cordova (Spanish, part 1)

Palace of Alcázar

A unique monument of Christian culture is the Alcazar, a palace rebuilt from a fortress of the Moors. This building is a visiting card of Cordoba and an important place from a historical point of view. It was here that Isabella of Castile took Columbus when he laid out the plan for the future journey to India. No less interesting is the palace of Viana, which, along with other museums located in historic buildings, not only acquaints the visitor with the exposition, but also immerses in the atmosphere of another era.

Other attractions

El Cristo de los Faroles - crucifix, standing on a completely closed on all sides of the square. Archaeological Museum with the world's largest collection of lead sarcophagi and capitals in the building of the palace of the Heronimus Pass. In addition, in Córdoba, the fort built by the Calahorra deserves attention. Photos of Cordoba (39)