I'm flying to Spain in September 2013, booking for Air Europa. The airline Russia is more expensive for 17000 rubles. Tell us about the ranking and reliability of Air Europa: often strikes, postponement of flights, flight delays, service and quality, reliability?

Responsible Nadezhda Khvatova, Russian Express
Reliability, accuracy and service with the airline "Russia" is higher, that's why tickets for her flights are more expensive. However, there are no reasons to scold the airline Air Europa. We often use it for domestic flights around Spain, and tourists do not complain about it. Of course, there are delays and transfers, and even cancellations of flights with travel tickets of tourists to other numbers. But if you follow the path of money saving in comfort, you have to be ready for it.

Usually tourists traveling in this way are sympathetic to some of the costs of the companies of the loukoster.

March 5, 2013

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