Kto utonet

The autonomous Basque country, part of Spain, introduced a fee for the local rescue service. To the category of "paid victims" now include lovers of extreme sports - climbing, rafting, skiing and even water bikes and skateboarding are now classified as high risk situations .In case of accidents, the victims will be billed for the services of the rescue service .The price of rescue will depend, in particular, on what type of transport the person from the danger zone was getting out: the most expensive helicopter (over 2 thousand .EUR per hour), and the work of an ordinary rescuer will cost only 37 EUR per hour .

Nevertheless, not all extremes in distress will be saved for a fee, but only those who have neglected warnings of danger and common sense, for example, skiers and mountaineers who have gone to the mountains in a fog or a blizzard.

During natural disasters or other force majeure situations, rescuers will continue to work free of charge for the victims.

October 31, 2014
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