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Water parks, beaches, clubs, public gardens, monuments ... In many resort towns the sights are similar. There is no doubt that Lloret de Mar has something to see. This city has its own special atmosphere, after all, it's not accidental that even the people of Barcelona come to relax here. But there is one interesting place in this nice little town, which is worth a visit.

Modernist cemetery Lloret de Mar can easily be called a museum in the open.

True, this attraction is slightly specific .If during a vacation in the party Lloret de Mare you want peace and quiet, go to the local cemetery .Modernist cemetery Lloret de Mar can easily be called an open-air museum .Yes Yes exactly! Do not be skeptical of this attraction .It deserves your attention .First, there are a lot of architectural monuments in the Art Nouveau style .Secondly, the cemetery of Lloret de Mar is replete with quiet alleys, where you can hide from the scorching sun .The place of eternal rest is not at all similar to the commonplace for Russians roosts .When you walk through this cemetery, it seems that you got into some unusual park .It's not scary at all and there is no place for despondency and longing .

Cemetery Lloret de Mara

Until the 18th century, Lloret de Mar was a very small fishing village. Only after a while its inhabitants gradually managed to put together capital - many went to work in the North and South America. Those who managed to get rich returned to their homeland. They did not want to live in old houses and built new luxury villas. Some of the money was invested by emigrants in family mausoleums and crypts. The most interesting and beautiful burials belong to their families.

The pogost is made in the Art Nouveau style by Antonio Gaudi. The design of individual graves traces the features of Neo-Gothic and Baroque.

Today the locals, visiting the graves, bring here not only flowers and statuettes of the Virgin Mary, but also various memorabilia .This can be both children's drawings, and small items of everyday life .The entire territory of the cemetery of Lloret de Mar is divided into six parts, each of which can be seen ancient tombstones, family crypts and unusual sculptures .It is interesting that the author of the grave is indicated everywhere, and a number of explanations explain exactly what stylistic details of a burial site mean .The inscriptions on the graves are translated immediately into three languages: Spanish, Catalan and English .It is worth noting that here you can find the works of famous Spanish architects, followers of Antonio Gaudi .Most of the graves fell on the first 10 years of the 20th century .

Finding such a remarkable place of tranquility is easy - it is near the bus station of Lloret de Mar. The entrance is free.
Cemetery Lloret de Mara Cemetery Lloret de Mara
Cemetery Lloret de Mara
Monument, Cemetery Lloret de Mara Cemetery Lloret de Mara
Monument, Cemetery Lloret de Mara
x200px Cemetery Lloret de Mara
Chapel, Cemetery Lloret de Mar