Add a review about the Madrid Maritime Museum

Madrid is the most suitable place to go to the Maritime Museum. Because Spain has a very rich marine history, one of the most interesting, extensive and successful of all known to mankind.

There is such a museum in Spain, it is called the Museo Naval de Madrid - the Madrid Maritime Museum. It refers, unlike many other museums, to the department of the local Ministry of Defense, and it is not surprising - memorable for us in school history books The Spanish armada still exists and, moreover, actively works.

The first maritime museum appeared in Spain in the late 18th century, in 1792, and in the middle of the 19th century officially opened - already here in Madrid. Thus, it is one of the oldest museums in the city. It is located at the headquarters of the Spanish Navy

Be sure to go here if you loved pirate books as a child or now love travel books


The collection of the Maritime Museum covers the period from the 15th century to the present. It is divided into parts: History of the Spanish Navy, Shipbuilding, Marine Science, History of Marine Travel and Discoveries, Underwater Archeology, Ethnography and Sea Treasures.

Accordingly, a variety of subjects. Models of ships, seaworthy instruments of different eras - astronomical and navigational, naval weapons, magazines, flags and much more. The collection contains many decorative objects related to seafaring, mostly paintings.

The most interesting part of the exhibition is the "History of Travel and Discoveries". As you know, the Spaniards have opened 2 of the existing continents, so there is something to see. Spanish explorers, Spanish colonizers, Spanish pirates - they all left their mark in history and in the exposition of this museum.

Another interesting section is "Ethnography". Here are the items brought by the pioneers of travel. We know that the Spaniards have received chocolate from the Maya Indians - do you want to know what else they got besides him?

The collection of weapons is placed in the hotel room. There are a lot of ceremonial weapons, but some of it is very real, military.

The most famous exhibit of the museum is the first map of America, compiled in 1500. The Americans were opened by the Spaniards, the first card they also made.

Unique museum. According to the wealth of maritime history with the Spaniards (who made about 40 percent of the Great geographical discoveries), only Britain can argue, so here a large number of rare items - the Spaniards have found and explored many new lands. Be sure to go here if in childhood you loved pirate books or now love travel books

Collection overview

Practical information

The entrance to the museum is free for all. There are also excursions, they are also free.

The museum is well-suited to visit with a child. A small lover of the movie "Pirates of the Caribbean" will almost certainly like it here

Address: Madrid, Paseo del Prado, 5, Museo Naval de Madrid.

You can get here by metro - Banco de Espana station.

Working time : from Tuesday to Sunday from 10:00 to 19:00, in August - from 10:00 to 15:00. Monday is a day off.