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Architecture of all regions of the country in one place - this is what the Spanish village is, an outdoor complex created for the same World Exhibition in 1929. Professional architects visited more than 1,600 cities and villages throughout the country, and based on selected material on a space of 49 square meters. km. the exact copies of the buildings of different regions of Spain were built

At the entrance you can see the medieval fortress gates from Avila, then you will get to the Main square with buildings from Castile and Aragon, then the streets lead through Andalusian, Basque, Galician, Balearic, Valencian and Catalan quarters - a total of 117 authentic buildings . On the first floors of the buildings there are numerous craft boutiques - here you can buy real handmade mantles, Toledo blades, textiles with embroidery, leather products, ceramics and, of course, edible "souvenirs - sangria, ham, olive oil .

Spanish Village

Address: Monjuic, avinguda de Fransesc Ferrer-i-Guardia, the nearest metro station - Espanya. Opening hours: 9:00 - 0:00, on Monday the village closes at 20:00, and on Fri and Sat runs until 3:00. The cost of the visit: 11 EUR for adults, 6, 25 EUR for children and 7, 40 EUR for students and pensioners. There are many combined ticket options.

 The street of the Spanish Village, Barcelona  The Spanish Village
The Village of the Spanish Village
 The Spanish Village, top view, Barcelona  Spanish Village
View on the Spanish Village
 Facade of a house in the Spanish Village, Barcelona  @ Spanish village
Facade of one of the houses
 Spanish village in the evening, Barcelona  Spanish Village
Spanish Village in the Evening
 Tower of Utebo, Barcelona  Spanish Village
Tower of Utebo

Reviews of the Spanish Village (3)

Evaluation 9

The cost of souvenirs here is 60% higher than in the shops in the city center 06 July 2014

was here in July 2014
Compare the prices of the same souvenirs that she bought in the city center. The cost of souvenirs in the Spanish village is 60% higher than in the shops in the city center.
Evaluation 8

Pine Forest 01 November 2013

was (a) here in October 2012
The Spanish village is rightly called an architectural museum in the open air. It is located on the hill of Montjuic and its narrow streets and characteristic houses attract many tourists. The Spanish village is open every day from morning till evening. The entrance fee is paid, the ticket costs 9, 5 euros (for an adult).
The idea of ​​the Spanish village was to collect in one place all the typical buildings of the Spanish outback at a scale of one to one. So homes that are actually separated by hundreds of kilometers ... Read the whole review
 The Spanish Village  The Spanish Village  The Spanish Village  The Spanish Village village
Evaluation 10

Spain in miniature August 07 2013

was here in July 2012
Here you can see Spain, so to speak, in miniature, because all the houses of the publication here reproduce the architecture of different Spanish villages. This is a kind of mini-city with a bias in history. Narrow streets, souvenir shops, workshops - all this creates the atmosphere of the old city. Here you can learn the skill of glass blowing, and as a gift to take the result of your work. Here you can sit in the old taverns and drink coffee or wine. I found a chocolate shop in some snack where I bought it for souvenirs ... Read the whole review
 Spanish Village  Spanish Village  Spanish Village