Add a review about the beaches of Djerba

The legendary island of lotus eaters, sung by Homer, Djerba and today has some inexplicable charm - local life is not a bit like "continental", and arriving here, I want to follow the example of Odysseus - get a decoction of flowers and forget their homeland . Djerba's beaches complement the mythical entourage: they are long, deserted, framed by dates palm trees and olive trees, and here and there populated by amazing pink flamingos . Tourism on the island is thriving - all year round they go here loving to save the French and Germans, and in the summer - tourists from Russia . With the entertainment on the island everything is in order - there are also archaeological parks, interesting museums, and excellent restaurants and nightclubs . But first of all they go to Djerba for measured rest on beautiful beaches, supplemented with thalassotherapy procedures at the best in Tunisia centers .


Djerba Island is the southernmost resort of Tunisia, where it is always slightly warmer than in the continental part of the country, because the Sahara with its hot winds is quite beside. Sandy beaches are located all around Djerba, but hotels are not everywhere, so there are many secluded bays and picturesque lagoons on the island.

The main tourist zone of Djerba stretches along the northeastern coast of the island, a small number of hotels are also on the north and south east coast.

The best beaches are considered to be the northeastern ones - from the northern sea currents they are protected by a long oblique forming the Djerba Lagoon, and at the same time are oriented to maximum solar radiation.

However, The western coast of the island, developed by tourism, boasts wonderful and absolutely uninhabited beaches. It makes sense to come here on a rented car to enjoy the secluded bathing in the quiet of nature. At the same time, it is worthwhile to be prepared for the fact that there is no infrastructure around and everything you need to take with you.

Do not be scared by finding the algae right next to the coastline - go to the sea for about ten meters and there will be no trace of them.

Features of Djerba beaches

Djerba beaches are very wide, in some places the coastal sand strip goes deep into the territory for a good half a kilometer. The hotel beaches are slightly narrower, but rarely when their width is less than one hundred meters. All beaches are sandy, stony areas of the coast are rare. The sand of the beaches is partly shallow, partly coarse-grained: on the south coast it is almost like powder, as here sand particles are often deposited, brought by the winds from the Sahara, and on the east it is quite large, especially in gulfs closed from the waves.

Given Djerba's openness to the sea currents , the accumulation of algae on the beaches of the island is not uncommon - the sea lives its own life, in which underwater plants play an important role. The beaches of hotels are followed by workers - they clean the surf line every day from algae. Do not be intimidated by finding out the algae just off the coastline - go to the sea for about ten meters, and there will be no trace of them.

Infrastructure and entertainment

Beach rest is the basis of Djerba's existence as a resort, so the infrastructure of the tourist coast is given Special attention. For guests - water sports stations, barbecue, beach cafes and snack bars (usually work from May to October). Enterprising commercial salesmen from the local offer to buy jewelry, pareos and mats, as well as ride a camel or a horse. Do not forget to bargain, but rather buy souvenirs and items necessary for rest outside the hotel - prices there are an order of magnitude lower.