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The hidden gem of the Tunisian coast, Gammartha beach is almost unknown to tourists from Russia . "Our brother" usually chooses a hotel for recreation, guided by the preferences of the masses - and in Gammarte there are practically no Russians at all . @ In this northern suburb of the capital, only businesspeople who combine the solution of business issues with a short rest on the coast stop, and a few lovers get off the patched paths - explorers of sights and individual travelers . Bl Due to this confluence of circumstances on the beach of Gammarth, Russian tourists are as rare as a unicorn, which will serve as an excellent reason to stop here for those who are used to relaxing in a pleasant distance from their compatriots . From the natural point of view, the beaches of Gammarth do not exactly disappoint - they are long, with one of the broadest coastlines in Tunisia and exceptionally secluded .


Gammarth is a small cape on the northeastern coast of Tunisia, 20 km from the center of the capital . The coast here is shifted by several tens of meters " " in the sea, so waves caress the beach on both sides . The length of the sandy beach of Gammarth is about 6 km, but there are also rocky areas where Mount Gammarth steeply approaches the sea, leaving a sand strip a few meters . In total, the coastline of Gammarth stretches for 10 km, from the picturesque La Marsa to the desert Rouéda . Near the coast, along the entire road, the road passes . The beach is not completely built up by the hotels, there are also quite large "uninhabited" sites with a convenient car entrance.@ This is a popular place about tdah of metropolitan residents in the summer season .

In total, the coastline of Gammarth stretches for 10 km

Features of Gammartha beach

Gammartha six-kilometer beach is completely sandy. Its characteristic feature is a wide (by Tunisian standards) strip of the beach. The usual width is 50-60 m, in some places the sand extends 100 m, and in some places - and all 300! In addition, the approach to the water here is long and very gentle - it will be convenient for families with children, but "deepwater" lovers may not like it.

Beach cover - sand of beige color, large enough grinding. From the north here are the open waters of the Mediterranean Sea, and waves are washed ashore by large sea sand, and also bring interesting seashells from the open sea.

Situation "on seven waves" provides Gammarth's beach with one more feature: the excitement here is significantly stronger than on the eastern coast of the country.

Infrastructure and entertainment

On the beach of Gammarth you can find a standard set of entertainment. Each hotel has a beach snack bar, there are also private restaurants on the sand, providing an umbrella, a sunbed and a mattress for free, subject to the order of food and drinks. After each hotel there are water sports stations. Also on the beach offer a ride on a camel and take a picture with him and the driver. It makes sense to get acquainted with the work of the hotel photographer and order a photo session on the beach at dawn.

In addition, exactly at the Gammarth Coast, airplanes approach Tunis-Cartage airport - enjoying the amateur, but lying on the beach is very diverse.