Panorama of Sidi-bu-Said

Last week Tunisia again seized a wave of unrest, and the Russian Foreign Ministry recommended that our compatriots refrain from visiting places of mass congestion

According to numerous reports of world mass media, on Wednesday in the town of Sidi Buzid, 265 km south of the capital, victims of an armed clash between the police and representatives of one of the radical groups 7 Do law enforcement officers. The tragic incident led to a series of violent protests in other cities of the country, including the traditionally popular among foreign tourists El-Kef.

Despite the extremely unstable situation, unrest continues to be bypassed by the tourist areas of Tunisia. Nevertheless, the Russian Foreign Ministry hastened to warn the Russians with the following message:

"We confirm the recommendation to the Russian citizens staying in Tunisia and those who are going to visit this country to be cautious and refrain from visiting places of mass actions."

October 30, 2013
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