The ancient city of Tuburbo Majus, Tunisia

Tunisia, still ridden by the riots, is trying to set up unimportant matters in the tourism sector. After extremely unstable tourist traffic in the first half of this year, the country's authorities aimed at finding a new client.

Of course, that the promotion of resorts in Tunisia in Russia and Western European countries will continue with the same activity - no one is interested in the loss of the "basic" clientele. However, Minister of Tourism of the country Jamel Gamr wants to stake on the countries of Asia and the Persian Gulf, which have shown unprecedented figures in outbound tourism in recent years. In particular, the ministry headed by him will try to enter the Chinese market - a gold mine for any tourist state.

While plans remain plans, local hoteliers are not counted by clients, and the political situation in the country does not have much to attract new travelers. Nevertheless, the flow of Russians to Tunisia is expected to be higher than in the previous year: by the end of December this figure should reach 300 thousand people.

August 14, 2013
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