What is the flag of Turkey?

Answer information department of the "Tourism Subtlety"
 Flag Turkey.png

The red color of the flag starts from Umar - the ruler of the Arab Caliphate in 634 -644. In the 14th century. the red color became the color of the Ottoman Empire, and the crescent with the star is the symbol of Islam.
One of the legends of the origin of these symbols relates us in the days of Philip of Macedon, 339 year .@@ . This year the troops of Philip, the father of the famous commander Alexander surrounded the city of Byzantium (Istanbul) . After a long siege and bloody battles, the city did not surrender . Then the troops decided to make a tunnel during the night, but because of the clouds a month left with a star, repeatedly reflected in puddles of blood near the city walls . The sentinels noticed the enemy, raised the alarm, the soldiers of Fi Ippa retreated . In memory of this event, the crescent with the star became the emblem of Byzantium, and in 1453, when the hordes of the Turkish Sultan seized the city and the entire Eastern Roman Empire, the emblem moved to the banner of the winners .

April 15, 2011.

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