Is it dangerous in the current political situation to go to Ukraine and how best to get to it from Russia?

Responsible Maria Ilyukhina, World of Transactions

In the current political situation, you can go to the central or western part of Ukraine, but no one can guarantee you any security.
Responsible information department " Subtlety of Tourism "
Due to the political situation between Russia and Ukraine, the number of air and rail flights between countries has been reduced, and some flights have been canceled. You can get to Ukraine by plane, train, ferry and car.

Most of the flights arrive to the main airport in Kiev Borispol, the rest - to the second airport Zhulyany. The following airlines fly to Ukraine: "UIA - International lines of Ukraine", "Aeroflot", "Siberia", "Transaero", "Russia", "Dnepravia", UTair.

Trains to Ukraine follow from all major cities of Russia, with most flights from Moscow and St. Petersburg.

By ferry to Ukraine, you can get from Ilyichevsk, 30 km west of Odessa.

Well, finally, the car. If you get to Kiev from Moscow, you need to overcome 855 km, from St. Petersburg - 1200.

Important: from January 1, 2015, entry into the territory of Ukraine is possible only on foreign passports.

December 18, 2014.

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