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Los Angeles is associated primarily with Hollywood, and Hollywood - with the stars, so there is nothing surprising in the fact that the Star Alley is rightfully considered the most popular landmark of the city . Annually more than 10 million tourists stroll along the Walk of Stars, with delight and a third reading the names of idols, immortalized in stone slabs of the sidewalk to the glory of the entertainment industry . As it should be any sights "with a name", Avenue of stars - long, varied and a very interesting story that continues to happen to this day: new "stars" are laid here about twice a month .

A little history

The star alley did not appear at all spontaneously: the idea of ​​creating a new sights belonged to the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce - and as a means of maintaining the public celebrity glory, and as a way to provide the city's budget with additional injections . Initially it was planned to use not the star shape with the actor's name written in it, but a brass caricature, however they were executed it turned out to be rather complicated and expensive . Therefore the City Hall of Hollywood decided not to philosophize slyly, but took as a model an ordinary five-pointed star, "drawing" it from the ceiling of the hotel "Hollywood" .

Stars include in addition to the name of the celebrity one of five icons : a movie camera, a TV, a phonograph, a radio microphone and two masks, thus indicating to which area of ​​show business the owner of the star belongs.

The first commemorative plate appeared on the Alley of Stars in 1958. More precisely, these were the eight first plates from 1550 celebrities chosen by members of the Chamber of Commerce, who in the future were to be awarded their "star". Since 1960, the regular laying of plates began, which continues to this day. However, the history of the Mall knows many defeats: in the 1960s and 1970s there was almost a fifteen-year stagnation complicated by legal proceedings, and then the heyday began again. Today, the Star Alley has more than 2,500 registered plates.

The nameplate "star" on the Star Alley is not at all free: the lucky recipient of the name plate will have to pay 30 thousand USD of "organizational costs."
Hollywood Walk of Glory

What to see

Avenue of stars is one of the "longest" attractions: its total length is more than 18 city blocks! The main part stretches 15 blocks along the Hollywood Boulevard, and since its length was clearly not designed for the numerous representatives of bohemia, there is also a three-quarter "tail" of the Mall on Vine Street . Only the avid fans of show business are able to see them all, so before going to Alley, it makes sense to go to the official site of the site and find out the exact location of the "star" idol .

"Address" of the name plate is indicated by the exact address of the building opposite to which it is located.

Some persons outstanding representatives of the entertainment industry have two stars on the Walk of Stars, for example, John Lennon, Ringo Starr and George Harrison immortalized as members of The Beatles and as a solo artist. And in exceptional cases, the Stars also marked stars that do not fall under any of the categories of show business - for example, Mohammed Ali (in his case, the Committee equated boxing fights of an outstanding athlete to theatrical art).

Well, of course, there were without mythical characters: Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, Snow White and the gnomes, Shrek, The Simpsons and many other cartoon characters are on a par with the names of real people.

Star laying ceremonies

easy: enough infection her to get acquainted with the schedule of events on the site Avenue of Stars, and get there early. Ceremonies usually begin at 11:30 and last about 45 minutes. The entrance is free; it is necessary to take into account that you will not be allowed to climb anything (satellite shoulders, chair or ladder). A prerequisite for bookmarking a "star" is the personal presence of a celebrity.

Address: Hollywood Blvd, Los Angeles

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Reviews of Hollywood Stars Mall (2)

Evaluation @ 10

"Stars" known and not very much 01 April 2014

was here in September 2013
Actually, it is not as cool as it is considered to be. The very road on which these stars are located is long, but not very wide. There are not so many really cool names here, mostly "stars", which we did not hear about. If you find a well-known person, even disappointed, because their star is no different from people I do not know. It looks very nice after the rain, when the whole surface of the alley glitters, and if there is a walk in the evening - the view at all ... Read the whole review
 Alley of Hollywood stars  Alley of Hollywood stars  Alley of Hollywood stars
Evaluation 9

Long stellar alley 03 February 2014

was ( a) here in September 2011
I wanted to come to America for a long time! However, it's not easy to get a visa to the United States of America! As a student, I took advantage of an excellent opportunity - the Work and Travel program and flew to America to work in the summer months. The beauty of the program was that after hard working days it was possible to travel several times around the country and see all the main sights. I decided to fly to Los Angeles anyhow! This Californian city is very popular among ... Read full review
 Alley of Hollywood stars  Alley of Hollywood stars  Alley of Hollywood stars