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"Immortalized in Concrete" - this is about the Hollywood Walk of Fame. The patio of the magnificent Chinese theater Grauman is entirely covered with concrete slabs with fingerprints of the hands, feet, and in exceptional cases, the paws of celebrities. In contrast to Avenue of Stars, the local "party" is not mass at all - the history of the cinema is long, and the honor of "inheriting" was awarded to fewer than two hundred figures of the magical world of the cinema.

Among the "inhuman" prints on the Walk of Fame - Harold Lloyd's spectacles and the magical Harry Potter's wand

Some history

The history of the Walk of Fame began in 1926, as is often the case with all ingenious ideas, by chance . When the Chinese theater was erected in its future courtyard, preparatory work was carried out, in particular, cement . Silent filmmaker Norma Tolmaj hurried to the rehearsal, stepped on raw material and left her mark . Sid Grauman picked up the idea - and a year later in the courtyard of the Chinese theater began to appear footprints of the stars . At the same time the Walk of Fame was the most "Undemocratic" evidence of chosenness: only the owners of the theater defined the lucky ones .

Until recently, the celebrities were left with prints directly on the fountain of glory filled with fresh concrete, for which it was necessary to lie down on a specially spread out floor who happened to red carpet. Now the stars are invited to "apply" to the surface of the concrete form - after some time the material will solidify and the plate will be placed in its proper place.
Glory in Hollywood

What to see

Alley of Glory is the rare case when You should only look at the sights at your feet. Almost a century the most outstanding figures of cinema "signed" before the facade of the Chinese theater. On the first plates, the stars also signed the wishes of Sid Grauman, later the tradition changed, and modern plates bear imprints of the palms and shoes of celebrities and their autographs.

When planning a visit to the Grauman Chinese Theater, it makes sense to familiarize in advance with the location of the slabs on the Walk of Fame - it's easy to get lost in names and prints.

Among the most popular are the plates of Charlie Chaplin and Marilyn Monroe, Johnny Depp and Arnold Schwarzenegger, Al Pacino, Michael Jackson (with the print of his diamond glove and shoes), Frank Sinatra etc. The last ones in the courtyard were Robert De Niro, Jane Fonda and Jackie Chan. Four-legged actors were also not forgotten - on the Walk of Fame there are footprints of all the beloved Rex commissioner - the Rin-Tin-Tin Shepherd. Among other things, the contours of popular cinematographic objects were imprinted in concrete: Harold Lloyd's glasses, Harry Potter's magic wand, the full-length legs of the beauty of the 50's Betty Grable and Bob Hope's nose

Plaque awards

Alley of glory replenished quite infrequently - no more than 2-3 times a year . Accordingly, the ceremony of laying the next plate turns into a significant event, which is difficult to get on, but you can . In addition to the fact that you need to "stake out" a place on an already limited patch for public, the case rests on banal luck: the main action takes place at the level of the sidewalk, and you can just not see the idol behind some stalwart viewer before you . Information about the ceremony is posted long before the event on the site of the Chinese Theater Grauman .

Address: Hollywood Blvd, Los Angeles

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