Santa Monica is a popular resort area in California, free from smog and has excellent beaches and other conditions for an unforgettable holiday of extra class. Called "Californian Nice", it traditionally attracts lovers of "sweet life", eager to meet with Hollywood celebrities who value the road, but also an exceptionally high-quality service.

Expert Reviews of Santa Monica Hotels

 Santa Monica Hotels

Despite the fact that Santa Monica is officially considered a separate administrative unit, this town not only enters the Los Angeles County, but is surrounded by this city from all sides, with the exception of the Pacific Ocean in the West. This makes the area even more attractive because there is a proximity to many attractions of the district, magnificent Pacific beaches, and the availability of its own airport of the same name.

In the summer there is traditionally a full house, and the hotels are filled to capacity. However, the local climate is so attractive that you can rest here all year round: warm, sunny and practically there is no prolonged rain

Monica is considered to be one of the most musical towns of the coast - there are endless performances of various musical groups: from jazz- bands to country ensembles. In addition, it is also the gastronomic center of the coast - every autumn Santa Monica Pier hosts the Santa Monica Taste Festival, where local restaurateurs offer everyone to taste their branded food and drinks.