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In the film "Independence Day", aliens blew up the White House, the image of which adorns a banknote worth $ 20. However, this is not the fact that the White House is ranked second in the ranking of US landmarks after the Empire State Building in New York. First of all, the White House is a symbol of the American nation and the power of the presidential power. This is the third century The White housesymbolizes the strength of the nation and the US presidential power. The classical architecture of this building, located on Pennsylvania Avenue, is rather laconic, yet elegant and refined.

For the third century the White House symbolizes the power of the nation and the US presidential power.

As the statistics show, many Russians confuse the White House with the Capitol - the building in which the US Congress meets. In order to avoid confusion, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the history of the legendary White House

At the start of construction and the implementation of the project

The first stone of the official residence of American presidents, known throughout the world as the White House, was laid in Washington on October 13, 1792, at Pennsylvania Avenue, 1600. A place for the "Presidential Palace," or "Presidential Mansion," or "House of the President" as originally called the White House, was chosen by George Washington himself - the first President of the United States of America. According to the ruler, this should have been a place "not exceeding ten square miles ... on the Potomac River."

The first stone of the official residence of American presidents, known throughout the world as the White House, was laid in Washington on October 13, 1792.

The president also acted as a co-author of the project of the building, the main developer of which was the architect James Hoben. worthy of winning in the declared by George Washington in 1790, the competition for the development of the architectural project of the residence.

According to the project, the building of the presidential residence should have been sustained in the Palladian style, based on the adoption of the principles of the classical temple architecture of Ancient Greece and strict adherence to symmetry. The construction of the White House was allocated 2.5 million dollars.

Panorama of the White House in Washington The White House in Washington
The White House in Washington

The Presidential Palace meets the first guests

The project of George Washington and James Hoben completely materialized by the beginning of the summer of 1800. Date June 4, 1800 - is considered the day of completion of the construction of the White House. The constructed building of the presidential residence completely corresponded to the ideas of its architectural authors.

Unfortunately, the construction, which lasted for 8 years, deprived George Washington of the right to become the first deserved tenant of the "Presidential Palace."

Unfortunately, the construction, which lasted for 8 years, deprived George Washington of the right to become the first deserved tenant of the "Presidential Palace". At the time of the opening of the White House, on November 1, 1800, the country was headed by the second president John Adams for several years already, he also entered a luxurious mansion with his wife Abigail.

"I pray that the heavens will send down all the best gifts to this house and everyone who will later live here. Let only honest wise people rule under this roof, "the words from the letter of John Adams to the first lady on the fireplace in the front dining room of the residence are inscribed.

Secret of the name

There are several versions about the emergence of the current residence name. According to one of them, the president's mansion became known as the White House, as it, faced with white Virginian sandstone and covered over with a composition of lime, casein and lead, stood out against the background of buildings surrounding it from red granite.

Some scientists note that for the first time the name of the White House was used in 1811, that is, 11 years after the construction was completed. However, historians do not name the reason for the name.

However, there is another version. The opinion of some historians boils down to the fact that the residence was called the White House only after the restoration work carried out to eliminate the consequences of the 1814 fire. It is believed that it was during this global restoration that the building was painted white.

Whatever it was, the official name of the White House was assigned to the building only a century after the opening of the residence, in 1901, by Theodore Roosevelt.

The White House in Washington

Time of architectural changes

The first century for the White House was the era of destruction and the attainment of a new life. In the 19th century, the White House expanded considerably: in 1801 the western and eastern terraces were added to the building.

Special reconstruction of the residence was after the war of 1812. In August 1814, the "Presidential Palace" was burned by the British. Works on the restoration of the mansion began almost immediately, and by 1817 the White House appeared before the people as a new one. Moreover, two underground floors appeared in the building, where the headquarters of the operational management of the foreign policy and military actions of the president was located. The southern portico of a rounded form was added to the building in 1824, and the northern portico with the columns - six years later.

In the early 20th century, in 1901 (the time of Theodore Roosevelt's presidency), the White House acquired two wings - the Western one, in which, after 8 years, the first Oval Office was created, and the Eastern one, which served as an entrance for guests. By the way, the modern view of the Eastern Wing did not reach the year 1942. In 1927, the attic of the mansion was rebuilt for living quarters. And two years later, in order to eliminate the consequences of a severe fire, restoration work was carried out in the West Wing.

By the middle of the 20th century, the building needed major repairs. In this connection, under President Harry Truman, in 1949-1952, a major reconstruction of the White House was carried out. The wooden frame of the building was replaced by a steel one, the internal premises were redone.

Today, the White House is a six-story building with 132 rooms, three elevators and a lot of stairs .The tourists who came here on the tour have a unique opportunity to see the most beautiful and historically significant premises .Famous "colorful rooms" (Blue, Green, Eastern and Red) are open for visiting, where solemn events are held, business and personal meetings are held .Guests are received in the stunning Dining Room, and the Oval Office is the workplace of the President himself .Under these and other premises for receptions are given as many as two floors, the rest belong to the presidential family (in addition to socle) .

The White House from a bird's-eye view, Washington The White House in Washington
The White House from a bird's eye view
White House at night, Washington The White House in Washington
White House at night
Demonstration at the White House in Washington The White House in Washington
Demonstration at the White House

Tour of the presidential residence

The White House is located in the heart of the US capital and is an integral part of the Presidential Park, covering an area of ​​7, 2 hectares. The ensemble of the White House also includes amazing gardens - on the west side there is the Rose Garden created by the wife of Woodrow Wilson, and at the East Wing there is the beautiful Garden of Jacqueline Kennedy.

The White House is located in the heart of the US capital and is an integral part of the Presidential Park, covering an area of ​​7, 2 hectares.

The building of the presidential residence itself has 6 floors, 2 of which are underground .The total area of ​​the building is more than 5 thousand .sq. .m .The White House has 132 rooms, including the famous color rooms: the Oval Blue Hall for formal receptions, the Green Room for informal meetings, the Red Room, and the Family Dining Room, the Great Hall, the Cross Room, the Oval Office, in which the President himself sits , Dining room for official receptions and other rooms .Also the building has 32 bathrooms, 28 fireplaces, 8 ladders and 3 elevators .

Oval Office, White House, Washington The White House in Washington
Oval Office, White House

Interior of the Presidential House

The interior of the White House has changed many times. From the middle of the 20th century, each presidential family considered it necessary to make something special in the decoration of the mansion. However, despite all the changes, the interior of the White House still remains aged in the style of the 18-19 centuries. Moreover, all work related to changes in the design of the residence on state floors, must certainly be approved by a special Board of the White House.

Today, while walking through the public rooms of the White House, you can see things that once belonged to members of presidential families. For example, Eleanor Roosevelt's dressing table or Abigail Adams silver coffee pot.

Visit to the White House

Everyone can visit the residence of the president any day from Tuesday to Saturday. For excursions, rooms are immediately opened on two floors.

For the first time, the doors of the White House to the general public were opened at Thomas Jefferson.

By the way, for the first time the doors of the White House to the general public were opened under Thomas Jefferson. In 1805, the third US president for the first time received guests in the Blue Room. At this reception were people who followed the president to the White House after the oath in the Capitol. Soon Jefferson opened the doors of the residence for all comers. He also introduced the tradition to hold receptions in the White House in honor of the New Year and Independence Day, celebrated annually on July 4.

Reviews about the White House in Washington (2)

Evaluation 9

A delightful building! February 07, 2014

was here in September 2013
My trip to Washington fell in September 2013. I flew from Moscow to New York, and I had a transfer in Washington. It turned out that I had a lot of time between flights, but I did not want to just sit at the airport. So I decided to take a walk around the city, and at the same time see the sights, famous buildings and places.
First of all, I wanted to visit the White House! I got to this popular place by taxi, but honestly, this pleasure is not cheap at all. Better ... Read full review
The White House in Washington The White House in Washington The White House in Washington
Evaluation 8

Modest US Presidential Palace January 30, 2014

was here in August 2012
I had to visit Washington twice. Of course, one of the main attractions in Washington is the US President's House of the White House.
Despite the advertised hours and days of possible entry and visits to the White House, both times to visit and see the residence could not: there was always a sign about the transfers of time or days of visit. I think that it is not so easy to get there as indicated in the capital's prospectuses, especially if you are not here for long, by travel or do not ask yourself to go there ... Read full review
The White House in Washington The White House in Washington The White House in Washington The White House in Washington