Yosemite National Park (Yosemite National Park) - one of the first nature reserves in the United States, since 1984, thanks to its unique virgin nature (95% of the park's area - wild) has been protected by UNESCO. The reserve with the highest waterfall in North America and 1,300 km of tourist routes is located on the slopes of the Sierra Nevada Mountains, in the state of California.

There are 400 species of animals in the park, among them: deer, lynx, black bear.

How to get to Yosemite

The park is 300 km from San Francisco (3, 5 hours drive) and 500 km from Los Angeles (en route 6 hours). From San Francisco, group tours are organized.

Search flights to San Francisco (the nearest airport to Yosemite)

The climate of Yosemite

In the park climate is Mediterranean, most of the precipitation falls on mild winter, summer - dry and hot. In the mountains the snow cover is formed in November and lasts until March - early April. The lowest temperature is in winter, in January and December from -3 ° C to +9 ° C, in summer - from +10 ° C to +30 ° C. The best time to visit is autumn.

The park is open 24 hours a day, all year round. From November to May and June, some roads are closed due to weather conditions.

The amazing caves of New Mexico and the Yosemite National Park (English)

Entertainment, sightseeing and sightseeing Yosemite

The Yosemite Valley occupies only 1% of the total territory of the park, but most visitors go there. The most popular point of the route (especially favored by climbers) is the granite rock El Capitan with a height of 2,307 m, clearly visible from any part of the valley.

At the top of the park are the picturesque Tuolumne Meadows, Dana Meadows, the Clark Range and the Cathedral Range and the Kuna Crest. Interesting tourist routes of the Sierra Cross and Pacific Cross, passing through Yosemite Park along the ridge of the mountains

In the park there are three groves of ancient sequoiaendron trees: Mariposa Grove, 200 trees, Tuolumne Grove, 25 trees and Merced (20 trees). Sequoiaadendron is the most massive and one of the tallest and longest-living trees in the world. Also, tourists are attracted by numerous waterfalls: Yosemite (739 m), Uapama (520 m), Snow Creek (652 m). The most picturesque is the Bridlewail waterfall (190 m, translated as "bridal veil"), clearly visible from a nearby road.

The park offers about 1300 km of walking trails, 560 km of highways. Here you can go in for rock climbing, fishing, rafting, horse riding and biking, skiing and snowshoeing. On the territory of the park there are lodges, shops, restaurants.

Mountain and forest tracts in Yosemite Yosemite
Panorama of the Mercad River in Yosemite Yosemite
Mariposa City Hall, Yosemite Yosemite