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Perhaps one of the many reasons Washington is worth visiting is the rich urban collection of national and private museums. Most of the exhibits and works of art found shelter in the historical center of the US capital, at the National Mall.

After many excursions, you always want to relax and just take a walk through the streets of the city, or better along the park alleys. However, you can combine business with pleasure and during the promenade to get acquainted with several more sights.

In the heart of Washington is a luxurious square surrounded by museums - the National Mall. In the territory of this large park are located the most famous memorials, monuments and other monuments.

In the heart of Washington there is a magnificent square surrounded by museums - the National Mall. In the territory of this large park are located the most famous memorials, monuments and other monuments. For example, there is an obelisk in marble dedicated to the memory of George Washington, the first president of the United States, and near it stands the memorial building of Abram Lincoln with the great sculpture of the president inside.

These two monuments testify to the strength of the spirit of American patriotism . Between these two attractions there is a snow-white National Memorial of the Second World War . In addition to it in the park there are other memorial constructions - the name of veterans of the World War I, and also in Korea and Vietnam . Here are the memorials of presidents Jefferson and Roosevelt, as well as Martin Luther King, a fighter for the rights of blacks . The latter is the most modern monument of all those who settled in the park - it was opened by Barack Obama in the summer of 2011 . Most of the museums in Washington are also in the Molla, so this memorial park can be safely called a favorite tourist destination from around the world .

Lincoln Memorial

Address: Washington, National Mall.